Girls of Reddit, what would you think if a friend texts you daily?

  1. Depends on what, if it’s kinda nagging I would be tired of it🙈🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. Sort of depends what they were saying. I have ongoing conversations with lots of my friends where we message back and forth a few times a day. But if someone was venturing into hassling me it would become a problem for me.

  3. I wouldn’t really think much of it, personally. It very much depends on the friendship and context.

  4. I have several I communicate with almost daily. None of them act entitled to my time, so it’s lovely to have my day peppered with those exchanges

  5. My first thought is that she likes me. Unless she is leaning on me for her entire emotional affirmation.

  6. Depends on how close we are. Someone I could refer to as a “good friend” or “close friend” is just fine – I appreciate it. Otherwise I’d be a little annoyed tbh.

  7. My close friends usually text me daily, or at least multiple days per week. We talk a lot. I’d be happy because I’d feel like they enjoy my company, rather than being one of those friends that says, “Let’s hang out soon” and then never makes plans.

  8. Depends on the context and relationship. I have friends I text with nearly daily. It’s just normal for our friendship.

  9. I don’t have any friends in real life, if someone would text me every day I would be the happiest person ever

  10. It gets annoying and frustrating that they can’t see that you have a life, and problems to deal with, if your own

  11. I’d think it’s normal. I exchange texts with several of my friends on a daily basis.

  12. I don’t mind at all. I’ve reconnected with someone by receiving a text message from them. We don’t message daily but I now hear from them often.

  13. I guess you wanna hear that we think he likes us like in LIKES us. But women text usually a lot more than you guys.

    If you like a girl grow some balls and tell her. But beware she might really just want you as a friend and uou better respect that. Nothing is weirder and creepier than a guy who thinks a no is an invitation to try to convince us.
    Dont be that creep

  14. I have a friend that I text with daily, but other friends I don’t. It’s no big deal either way.

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