My husband (37) and I (29) have a wonderful relationship. It’s not perfect and there are definitely parts I’d like to work on, one being our finances. We’re pregnant with our first child and I’ve been looking into purchasing our own home. I’m in IT so it’s stressful but it’s good money. Although, prices are skyrocketing and with my money alone it’s going to take twice as long before we can afford “the dream” with my salary alone.

My husband on the other hand, works with his family. They run a family business and he has always been with them. They make much more than I do — recently bought a new car, looking into buying land for something else, renovations and so on. I have no clear view of how much exactly and I don’t plan on prying too much because that’s their business.

What bothers me is, it seems that despite my husband working with his family for his whole life, his parents don’t have plans of giving him a little more power over their finances. In short, whatever money their business makes, is his parents’. What he’s making now/his cut (since the beginning) has been the same and with these expenses and the baby coming, I’m afraid that it’s not enough. I’m making so much more than I was when we started dating/got married. Worked my way up to 3 promotions and I can’t help but feel like I’m alone because I’ve been shouldering most of the costs.

I know they can afford increasing his cut, but how would I go about bringing this up without offending anyone and seeming too greedy? Is it so bad to expect a little more?

  1. You should be discussing it with him.

    He works for their business. He’s an employee and not an owner.

    What are his options? If he leaves, could he make more and where?

    You discuss these issues with him. He has the future child with you.

    But this really was a before marriage and children discussion. You lost options and leverage after you chose this life.

  2. You definitely shouldn’t say anything to the parents. You don’t know what’s going on in the business or the financial side of it. Employees typically do not make more money because the business is making more money. That’s not how that works.

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