We were watching the Jeffrey Dahmer series on Netflix last night. And I said outloud “wow, so his mom was actually crazy?” And he replies with “she was taking 26 pills, I’m pretty sure she is crazy.” His tone was kind of smart ass and sarcastic. It made me feel stupid. We just began dating in March and this is the first time he has talked like this to me. I am not sure if I am being too sensitive and if I should talk to him about this and set a boundary. I don’t want to be overdramatic. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

1 comment
  1. If this is the only time it’s happened it sounds a bit more like saying the first damn thing that popped into his head rather than trying to demean you.

    Obviously if it’s a regular pattern that would annoy anyone, but as a one off we all say dumb stuff occasionally. I wouldn’t worry

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