It’s the worst. Everyone at my new job enjoys my presence, my sense of humor and overall raising of morale. Thought it would die down after a few months but it’s only gotten stronger.

Elsewhere I don’t have the same effect. Not everywhere lol but elsewhere.

  1. My guess is that the company u work for has done a great job at creating a culture of positive reinforcement and kindness among it’s employees so much so that u feel more comfortable and at ease around your coworkers than u do around most other people which probably makes u seem more confident/witty around them as opposed to everyone else.

  2. You get access to more of your brain when you’re less anxious.

    Anxiety isn’t always conscious, mostly because when felt directly it’s extremely uncomfortable. So we repress it and don’t realize we’re anxious and the only indicator is a drop in creativity.

  3. You get access to more of your brain when you’re less anxious.

    Anxiety isn’t always conscious, mostly because when felt directly it’s extremely uncomfortable. So we repress it and don’t realize we’re anxious and the only indicator is a drop in creativity.

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