Attractive men, how is being attractive as a man different from being attractive as a women?

  1. Very few attractive men have been an attractive woman before, so one could really only assume.

  2. Wrong platform for that question. Only a wizard person will have the answers you seek.

  3. I’m fortunate to never feel like I’m in danger. Sure, women might throw themselves at me, but I never have someone twice my size willing to do *anything* to have sex with me. Women don’t have that same luxury.

  4. Not sure but maintains friends appears harder as jealousy seems to be a difficulty. Speaking truthfully, other guys are very insecure and are almost mean around me. To me it feels like jealousy.

    I feel pretty girls have a lot of friends, whereas it appears handsome guys have a harder time keeping male friends.

  5. You can’t really compare attractive men to attractive women. It’s like asking what’s the difference between having 10k in the bank compared to ten million. Being a good looking man with a decent career, is like being a 4/10 woman.

    For men our good looks last much longer, but our intensity doesn’t burn as bright. For perks I’d say women are more receptive to you overall. You can get discounts and free food. Women lower their requirements for you. If you have some muscle mass too, it opens up a new door.

  6. We still have to have value in some other areas. There are also a lot more attractive women in the world than men. Women simply exist and men will find interest in them.

  7. its not that much different. i am personally of the opinion we get unwanted touching and sexual assault just as often as women, but since we dont say anything its not recognized. if youre an attractive young guy who works in a hospital id be unbelievably impressed if you hadnt had 5 incidents by your first year.

    I will say, since women dont approach, they dont get to experience how easy it is for us to cold approach and get a date. I probably have a 75% success rate, but I just became friends with a dude this summer and so far he is 9/9 on cold approach numbers, perfect score. Beautiful women who all texted back too. Theres always bigger fish lol

  8. 6’6” , athletic, clear skin. Im told these are good qualities. Basically the major difference is when i walk in, unlike attractive women, im immediately perceived as being competent and people tend to remember me more than others which really helped my sales career.

  9. Way different, if you are a women you will get attention from everywhere but if you are a man you keep guessing. You only know for certain that she really likes you when she is too close to you and expresses her liking for you.

  10. Im tall and pretty handsome, good figure. I’d say we get treated on the same level as average to above average women. People look at me, smile at me, talk to me in line. I catch a lot of women looking at me. Men tell me I’m handsome. Random people tell me I am handsome. But thats about it.

    I’m not like Hollywood actor good looking so thats probably a lot different. I have been grabbed by women at bars and taken home with them, one girl saw me eating lunch in a restaurant and got the cashier to dig out my receipt to find my name and message me on Linkedin/Facebook.

    Very attractive women run this world from what I have seen. Life is significantly easier for them and the ground beneath them is built as they walk forward.

    Their experience is probably something most of us can’t really fathom. Probably also annoying but im sure the pros outweigh the cons.

    Men at the office listen when I talk, but they don’t throw themselves in front of a train just to explain something to me (seen this with women).

    Also I get a lot of dates but face a lot of the same problems I see with others on here (ghosting, frustration, etc). My friends get mad at me when I lament my dating troubles haha.

    My two cents ✌🏻

  11. Not sure I’m “attractive”, but I’ve done well for myself I guess.

    1) I can’t believe how many women think it’s ok to grab/slap a guy’s ass in public and do all kinds of other shit that’s universally understood as inappropriate if men do it to women. Not talking about partners here, but randoms and acquaintances.

    2) If you turn down sex as a guy, a lot of women have a meltdown and/or assume you’re gay. I don’t think guys ever assume an attractive woman is a lesbian if she doesn’t want to sleep with them.

  12. On days when I wear a nice outfit, I notice a lot of girls of all ages smile/look at me. To be honest, sometimes girls will stare aggressively. I think because women think there’s no way a man could perceive them as a threat it’s okay to just stare me down without smiling or saying anything but it actually is hella uncomfortable just being randomly grilled like that.

    The other thing i notice is that when I really dress up people also treat me better, they smile more and are much more willing to engage me. I also feel like I can ‘get away’ with a lot more versus other guys when it comes to women. I guess this is pretty privelage.

    I would say the main difference is that even when you’re attractive women still expect you to make the first move. They just give you loads of signals, while I guess most men are invisible to them.

  13. Speaking from experience – as both an attractive man and an attractive woman – what!?!

  14. I’d say things are a little easier for me than an ugly man. But nothing compared to the disparity between attractive women and ugly women.

  15. Even as an attractive man I still have to put in effort to get laid

    You can be a 2/10 Sasquatch as a woman and do absolutely no work to get laid

  16. You date attractive women who for a large part are fucking nuts. Most of them never had anybody say no to them ever.

    Also you get groped an cant do anything about it.

  17. Attractive women are attractive to all straight men.
    Attractive men are attractive to women who find them attracts which a subset of women. Very few men are attractive enough to be universally attractive to women.

  18. Being “attractive” (which is a sociatal construct) is a double edge sword. Opens doors but most will resent you and want you to fail..very must schadenfreude… favor term of all time:)

  19. When I was a young hot guy I went tubing on a river with a bag of wine. I posted up on a sandbar with a bag of wine and poured wine into girl’s mouths and then motorboated their titties. I hit 22 pairs of titties. Leaving the river later in the day a young lady and her friend who I had never met were going the opposite way. I asked one of them for a BJ in a nearby portojohn. She obliged.

    I don’t think that shit would have flown if I was not attractive. I don’t have the balls to try it as an ugly old guy either, lol.

  20. As a fairly attractive man and an introvert with no socialization, I’ve had a few women make first moves on me. Had both men and women harass me, treat me in a kind way and listen to me when I speak. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that they got the “perfect guy” vibes based on my first look.

  21. I always have to wait till the last minute to find out.

    Where as, for women, they always hear it upfront;then and there.

  22. I’m not sure how much being attractive has to do with the difference as much as being a man.

    I don’t know how to categorize how attractive others find me as a measurement of behavior, but I have never had a direct aggressive approach the way women describe. I don’t get groped in crowds or sent dick pics. That’s the main difference i have noticed.

    Reading the other replies, experiences definitely vary, but negative effects for men pale in comparison to women for the most part.

  23. You have to be physically AND mentally attractive. Women just have to be hawt.

  24. People are more friendly. I get looks from women, but I’m married to an extremely beautiful woman so that doesn’t matter. I think the largest benefits are that I am treated as if I am more competent, but if I don’t know what I’m doing or make a mistake people are more forgiving or willing to take the time to help me.

  25. The gross/flattering things they say about you are usually not done to your face/when they think you are out of earshot. You get more of a halo effect than women do, as attractive men are also seen as being more authoritative/competent in a way that attractive women are not, so you have to manage people outsourcing their agency to you.

  26. I’m an attractive guy. I’d say that it really isn’t too much different, except women won’t really approach you. They will stare at you, offer you favors, and compliment you though

  27. I would say that some women feel no inhibition of molesting men they are attracted to. Under the guise of friendly touches, they would touch or squeeze various parts like my pects, upper arms and my thighs depending on the situation, in full view of everyone and without even thinking twice. Not to speak of the ‘friendly’ butt-slap.

    I’m not prude, and I really don’t mind it since I don’t get aroused necessarily by that, but every time that happens I think of the double standards in our society.

    I guess they do those tricks to attract attention to themselves, but sometimes it is very annoying especially if you find yourself in the company of other women which you are attracted to, and you don’t want to make a scene in front of them either. But also not saying anything feels like it’s totally accepted. So you have to pretend it didn’t happen and change your position in the group, as casually as possible without make it apparent why.

    Luckily, this changed after I got married and started wearing the ring. At least it seems they do respect that.

    edit: grammar

  28. I’m not certain of this but there seems to be a kind of responsibility that you carry where you’re expected to approach women and begin each interaction. It took me forever to put my finger on it because of my anxiety and lack of self respect.

  29. I mean, i get called handsome all the time. It’s by my grandma, so idk if that counts.

  30. I’m average looks but I’m friends with two very attractive guys.

    What they experience is that everybody, I mean virtually everybody, really, really likes them. They have a ton of friends. Guys want to hang out with them. Women sort of throw themselves at them. They get great opportunities in their life and career. Everything is just… easier.

    I remember chatting with one of them once and he was recalling something his ex girlfriend said. He said, “we’re lying there talking about the future and I was a bit unsure and she says, ‘you don’t have to worry, everything always works out for you, x’ and I thought about it and realised she was right. Ever since I could remember, I’d always had exactly what I wanted just come to me somehow”.

    I didn’t want to tell him it was because he was a beautiful bastard. So I just said, “yeah, you’re just lucky I guess”.

  31. I have no idea. Being attractive as a man makes people friendlier and nicer to you. If you’re attractive because you’re in shape, you’re also physically stronger or faster than a lot of people who could have bad intentions.

    Being an attractive female seems to come with a lot more fear and need for defensiveness.

  32. Attractive man: you get basic respect from the get go and people listen to you

    Attractive woman: people harrass you from the get go and no one listens to you

  33. Not much, maybe its not as crude as some men making comments.
    Being grabbed, spanked, told “I masterbate to You” and occasionally followed to home or work. Kinda feaky but helped me a lot in my younger, dumber full of cum days and gave me the sexual experience and maturity that my wife loves

  34. They assume I’m some ultra chad sleezeball. Even the girl who took my virginity never believed I was a burning and prob still doesn’t

  35. I’m a trans woman. Before transitioning I was seen as a hot guy. In my experience being a hot guy means people are more receptive and nicer to you in general. Being a girl means creepy men give you loads of unwanted attention, make you uncomfortable, and many only pay attention to you purely because they are interested in sex.

  36. Because. You can be good looking and not be attractive to a woman if you don’t act like a man

    Woman are given by birth every thing she need to attract a man. Youth beauty so on they don’t earn it

    Men have to earn the right to be a man

    They did a survey. 100 married couples. The men judged the women on a bell curve. Just abot 50% sbouve and % below

    Women judged the men 80% below average in looks

    But each wife judged her husband above average

    66 year old man

  37. All women, even the angry feminists and lesbians are comfortable talking to you or asking for help if they really need it.

  38. From my experience (attractive man);

    Women get treated great because everyone wants to fuck them and they’re seen as saints by default. Men get absolutely hated due to resentment & envy of others – especially other men

    I would argue men are more petty than women most of the time. You realise very quickly that envy is stronger than love when you’re an attractive man. The world becomes a giant warzone

  39. For one, I don’t fear women for me being attractive. The physical danger to me for being an attractive male is exponentially lower than being an attractive female.

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