What do guys find attractive/unattractive in a girl?

  1. Here’s my 2 cents, please don’t downvote me, people.

    Attractive : Looks, one tough nut to crack, tomboy.

    Unattractive: Extremely insecure, oversensitive, not a Tik Tok/Dating Apps user.

  2. Idk if this applies to most dudes, but to be honest, i find a lot of things attractive about literally everyone.

    Looks are important to be fair, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they’re most likely lying. But looks aren’t everything and you shouldn’t let yourself down if you think you don’t meet society’s “beauty standard” or whatever the f that’s supposed to be. Just take good care of yourself and the way you look, dress well, and you’d be getting attention in no time. Some dudes have preferences and that’s fine but don’t let their preferences bring you down just because you don’t meet them. Just move on and find someone who will find you physically attractive. Easier said than done, sure, but do you really wanna spend time with someone who doesn’t find you attractive at all?

    Personality plays a huge role in how attractive someone is to me. I know it sounds pretty cliche and a lot of self proclaimed “nice guys” try to make themselves look good by saying that but in reality their personality is pretty shite and you can tell by the way they present themselves that it’s pretty obvious. I do find someone attractive when they share the same interests as me like video games, fitness etc. I’m more of an extrovert so ideally I’d like to find a partner who’s also an extrovert just like me and wouldn’t mind chatting for long hours 🙂

    Other than that, well, there’s not really much i can think of. Of course someone else might come in with their opinion but I feel like most, probably the majority of guys, and people in general would agree with the two points I’ve gone through. Hope this helps out! Good luck! 💕

  3. Unattractive : having so many sexual partners that it looks like an NFL roster.

  4. Attractive:
    Supportive, warm, kind, pleasant to be around, feminine, physically attractive, same ethics and core values

    Negative attitude, constant complaints, constant criticism, victimhood complex, attempts to turn me against friends and family, the types who say “Men are intimidated by independent strong women” (That’s the female version of “Women don’t like nice guys”).

  5. I find morals and (realistic) goals extremely attractive. On the contrary, a lack of a moral compass, and unrealistic expectations are super unattractive.

  6. *Physical looks*:
    Our physical attraction to others is much more fluid and subjective than we tend to believe. But it is very important. Taking care of yourself and your body can capitalize on your type of beauty.

    As for what to wear? Obviously revealing clothing captures our eye, but that doesn’t mean it will keep our interest, and we may want someone who’s more modestly respectful/conservative. Probably a better rule of thumb is presenting yourself and wearing things that is flattering, comfortable, and makes you feel confident.

    Part of this, is confidence in your own body. There’s someone I’m considering asking out, she’s at least my height, maybe an inch or two taller (I’m 5’10”), and she tends to wear platform shoes. That’s actually attractive to me, instead of slouching, wearing flat shoes, and trying to hide her height, she’s embracing it. It’s not only confident but it’s more healthy for her psychologically. I think that’s really cool. (Though if we dated, I would welcome it if she chose to also wear non-platform shoes, lol).

    There’s someone in my class that I’m probably going to ask out. There is some physical attraction for me, though definitely not as much as others. Why am I taking her out? She’s fun to talk with, she’s approachable, and she’s not shallow. In short, personality can definitely make up for percieved lower physical attraction, at least for the first several dates (physical attraction can grow over time).

    This is a long term thing. I haven’t actually gotten to this point yet. But once I’m getting more serious with someone, It is important that our values are compatible (not neccesarily the exact same. Though often probably are). Perhaps even more important though is that they put thought and effort into their values.

    Probably one of the most attractive things is when a girl is actively working on improving herself. Whether that’s health, career, skills, values, or spirituality. And vice versa, if she’s not actively trying to learn and improve herself, to me, she feels like just a fun addition instead of a life partner.

    Overall there are things that will catch our eye/attention (physically attractive, flirty personality, outspoken intelligence). Catching our eye is helpful and important, but just as important (probably more) is deep attractiveness, things that might not catch eyes, but make us truly fall in love and care for you as we get to know you.

    Care for yourself, accentuate your strengths, self-improvement.

  7. First it’s attraction. She doesn’t have to be the most beautiful just attractive to the man who’s interested in her. Then it’s her softness then her personality. Is she easy going and friendly? Is she pleasant to be around.

  8. Besides physical traits, here are some attractive and unattractive traits in a woman for me:

    Attractive Traits
    – honest and forthcoming
    – supportive and excited for our growth
    – wants to work towards a conflict’s resolution
    – loving, nurturing, and feminine
    – kind to my friends, family, stangers, and animals
    – has a personality outside of drinking, Netflix, and social media

    Unattractive Traits
    – boss girl, attitude, argumentative, etc.
    – disrespect
    – lying
    – no housekeeping skills
    – bad habits; spending, drinking, eating, etc.
    – shuts down mentally, avoid issues, ignore problems

  9. Sexual hypocrisy really angers me. You see this primarily, but not limited to, conservative women. Will straight up cheat on their husbands and boyfriends while posting on Facebook about how two men or two women having sex is morally repugnant.

    Or talking about how men shouldn’t look at porn while in a relationship, but leaving out crucial details about how they fucked half the guys in their friend group, and expect the dude to be okay with it. This one though, is definitely not limited to conservative women.

  10. I think that there is no one answer that could fit what you’re asking for. I think one thing that I would say is that guys find it flattering to be useful, to be recognized, and to be appreciated. So a girl that can show theyre vulnerable but still emotionally supportive and caring is a big plus to a lot of guys.

    Most often we find ourselves attracted to someone that can help us see something beyond ourself. Some people may see love as a sort of tunnel vision, but I’d like to believe it to be a sort of guiding light. We all have our insecurities, but to be admired in spite of them, that’s endearing in many levels.

    If there is a guy you like, then maybe try to see them as a friend first to help you with the jitters, taking an interest in what the guy may like, may be a great way for them to talk more and feel great about being around you. Guys can be oblivious often times, but it works, even if it takes a while.

    Anything else that can be said, makeup, outfits, hobbies, that’s all subjective, and it just will vary from person to person. Sometimes it may change, but what doesn’t easily change is how people are made to feel.

  11. Unnatractive?

    * narcissism
    * big egos
    * insecure about what others think of them
    * materialistic
    * refust to take inititative or make a move
    * women who think the man should always “lead” in a relationship
    * only fans girls
    * lots more but those are the main ones for me i think


    * women who aren’t afraid to say what they want
    * women who don’t just “hint” at what they want and use their big girl words
    * women who make an effort not only in life, but their job/career, and relationship
    * down to earth and realistic about wants, needs
    * women who poop with the door *open*
    * women who aren’t afraid to fart in front of me

  12. I’m speaking for myself here–


    – Intelligence

    – Sexy bedroom routines such as the come hither look, erotic voice, etc

    – Wears sexy clothes

    – Independent – meaning she can hold her own job, get herself around town whether driving or public transit

    – Has her own life

    – Busty

    – Good listener



    – clingy

    – smothering

    – desperate

    – abandonment issues, to the point where she can’t be alone

    – controlling – meaning I have to step on eggshells, easy to set off, etc

    – blames others for her own failings

  13. I want to throw this question back at op

    I’ll reply immediately if I get a reply.

    I even want to one up look in the mirror pick something you like about yourself and something you dislike and lmk

    Also this is in no way to be mean . .I don’t have a intent to be mean or troll for clarity sake.

  14. I’m dumb as hell but I don’t mind a good intelligence in a woman, physically I like a modest butt and c cups, and at least a few inches shorter than me. Outdoorsy types are best but I also like to just stay in most nights. Bonus points if they’re country

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