Lately I (40M) have had a hard time feeling much of anything during sex. I love sex mostly for the connection to my partner and for pleasing her. However I feel very little pleasure from it anymore. This can make achieving erection difficult as well as reaching orgasm. Even orgasm, although not unpleasant, is not as pleasurable as it used to be and I’m mostly just happy to have reached it and feel like sex was “accomplished.” FYI my partner has already climaxed a few times at that point as she achieves this very easily. How can I reconnect to my body?

Additional information which might be helpful. I almost never masturbate or partake in porn. My testosterone levels are normal. We do have a 1.5 year old which certainly adds some stress and I do work in a high stress medical job but have done this for over a decade. Thanks for any insight

  1. Welcome to 40! As you get older your body and hormones change, and libido starting to get lower is pretty normal. How’s your physical health in general? Might be time to start a workout regime (cardio at least) if you don’t currently do that.

  2. Previous comments alluded to this, but anti-depressants and high blood pressure affect this. Even ED meds lose their effectiveness with those two types of medications. Talk to your doctor ASAP.

  3. consult a doctor, Numbness and lack of pleasure from sexual stimulation isn’t a good sign nor should be your norm 🙁 There may be a physical condition underlying this

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