
As in the title I(20M)(virgin) was born with just one ball ,the other one didn’t descend and all I want to know is how do I deal with this. This has always taken a toll on my self-esteem and I don’t talk to girls because of this. I feel as if I am less of a man and won’t be able to pleasure my partner ,

So, long story short will I die a Virgin or not??

I am not a native speaker so forgive my English.

  1. Call me crazy but most girls I’ve ended up in relationships with thought I was a great guy/attractive looooong before they saw my junk. It’s in your head no one is going to care what your balls look like mate.

  2. I’ve fucked like 2-3 dudes with one ball (cancer, and similar thing to you)

    It’s such a non issue I’m having trouble remembering how many people it actually was. I wouldn’t worry about it 🙂

  3. Who fucking cares about that? I still wouldn’t have noticed if my husband only had one and we’ve been together 15 years. Dont worry about this, women won’t care

  4. Only really young, immature girls are going to care about that. You don’t want them anyway.

  5. On the list of things I care about in a man this comes at number 1274. Right after the question if the right or the left shoe is the one he steps into first.

  6. This is such a non issue for me that I can pretty much guarantee it’s a non issue for most women.

  7. This is irrelevant to if a woman finds a man attractive or not. Things that matter are: good personality (being trustworthy and kind), reasonable hygiene (washing properly is far more important than your ballsack contents), respecting a woman’s right to say no, and if using deodorant pick one that works but is not too strongly scented. These are far more important than you having one ball instead of two

  8. The *only* worry is whether the undescended one gets pinched when she’s on top. I’ve got one that retracts sometimes I have to be careful about where it’s sitting.

    Just tell her you’ve only got one in the sack before your pants come off. I have huge scars down my thighs from messed up hip surgeries. I say something before getting naked because I’m afraid of surprising her. Just a little heads up, when you’re sure things are going well, will prevent a “Oh! what’s going on here?” moment.

  9. Lost a ball when I was 17 due to cancer. No woman I’ve ever been with was concerned by this in the slightest.

  10. My boyfriends balls disappear. Lol. Like they move all the way around to the top and then you can’t see them. I remember the first time I sucked his dick I asked him “where did your balls go?” And he was like “I’m not sure where they go but they do that.” So don’t be shy plus some girls can only fit one ball in their mouth at a time. Some do both.

  11. hey, one is better than none! If this was my partner with just one ball, i wouldn’t care. It’s a medical condition that you can’t control. As long as you and your partner can still have some fun, you should be fine. Probably just don’t bring it up on the first or second date, because sexual topics can accidentally throw off potential partners. Good luck!

  12. It’s nothing to worry about. I knew a guy who had like 50+ sexual partners and only had one testicle. As long as your dick works, what difference does it make? Zero. You can manage fine with one testicle. It produces enough testosterone to compensate for the missing one.

  13. Well, I know of a person who only had one testicle and nothing about his life is any different than anyone else. Women are not going to know about this until things get very intimate, and by then they really shouldn’t care if the is one or two balls.

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