What are some good trash talking tips or phrases you should know?

  1. *someone pisses you off*
    You :”Esad.”
    Enemy: “did you stutter dumbass?”
    You: “nah, eat shit and die.”

  2. the more you do it, the less people will like you. when you talk shit, the people around you subconsciously assign those negative traits to YOU.

    so if you say “mike is a real moron”, the people listening will start believing you’re a moron.

    we know this girl sandy, and she’s always talking shit about people. she always calls people losers.

    after enough time passed, pretty much all of us believe sandy’s the loser. it’s unavoidable. we hear her say it so often, and we’ve come to associate that word with her–*not* with the people she talks shit about.

  3. I always say this in a joking way. When my friends and I are talking shit to each other. “If I wasn’t so sure you could kick my ass… I’D fight you right now”

  4. Your mother dropped you as a child, and just didn’t pick you back up.

    I don’t want to insult you: punching so far down is bad

    You make me question God’s supposed lack of errors

    If I ever end up respecting you, let the others know I’ve been replaced by someone with much lower standards.

    You’re a soggy piece of toast

  5. “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you from all the way over there. You’re going to have to come closer?”

  6. Generic trash talk usually doesn’t work well. You have to be specific to the person, or at least to the situation. How mean are you trying to be (or more importantly, how mean are they to you)?

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