After reading some comment I think you guys misunderstood my question, I’m not talking about sex only although you can share that stuff too.

  1. Questions like this seem like you assume all women feel good about the same things. This will ALWAYS depend on the individual.

  2. Wouldn’t it make more sense to ask this question in a women’s subreddit to see what they like to make them feel good.

    We can’t get into their headspace.

  3. Wash the dishes. Vacuum the rugs. Do laundry. By that time if she didn’t love you before she will now.

  4. being a better listener. listening without offering unsolicited advice. respecting boundaries and consent culture. being a good friend. making sure she knows she can feel safe around you.

  5. Cook a meal for them, give them a massage or do a pedicure, surprise them with flowers, take them to do something they’ve never done, do something they’ve always wanted you to do with them even if you don’t like it (my wife with rollerblading), or just do something spontaneous. Sometimes both sides can get complacent and bored so just by doing something random/small can create simple joy.

  6. The Five Love Languages deals with things along this line. Even if you’re not at the stage of a relationship, it’s a good way to help understand how to best love someone. It’s by no means definitive or all-encompassing but it’s a nice starting point and basically echoes a lot the comments above. Every woman is different and receives love in her own unique way. I’ve seen lots of great suggestions so far and, even if they’re not your girl’s style, they are loving and considerate and a great demonstration of self-donation.

  7. There’s millions of videos on this. Check YouTube you’ll get more immediate answers than resdit

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