I (28F) live near a wildfire and had to evacuate from my home. I’m kind of frazzled. I have a date tomorrow. Part of me wants to keep the date because it would be a good distraction hopefully, but part of me wants to cancel/try to reschedule cause I’m kind of stressed and the clothes I have with me aren’t the best. Would it be best to go or to cancel?

  1. Here’s what I would do: If you’re comfortable, Reach out to them and mention your situation. see how they take the news.

    If they are understanding of the situation, I’d try to keep the date but maybe tone it down to something very casual. I say that because I’m thinking it would be unfair to ask you to try to have fun when you’re dealing with something stressful. Trying to look your best and being relaxed is gonna be hard with what you are dealing with right now and I believe they absolutely should understand that if they are a fair person.

    If they seem like they don’t care about your current situation and aren’t understanding, I’d probably cancel and leave them be. I say this because if they lack compassion for my situation, I wouldn’t want to be around them anyway.

  2. I’ve been there before. We lost half our acreage to the fire but all of our structures survived! It was super stressful and I hated not having something non-fire related to distract me.

    Go on the date. There is absolutely nothing else you can do except sit around and worry. This is a good way to gauge how he handles things when others are in stressful situations and need support. If he isn’t understanding you dodged a bullet, if he’s really great this might be a start to a wonderful relationship!

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