I despise human interaction personally because it’s usually negative. Especially in the city I live in everyone is so rude and it makes me sick. I have had very little positive interactions in my life but I noticed the main problem is that people are deeply misunderstanding me. I say one thing and they interpret that in their own way and think I’m saying something else…literally the other day my co worker thought i believed grooming was okay because I said if your partner is a few years older than you that doesn’t mean you’re a victim of some sorts and I was absolutely not referring to a 16yr old in a relationship with a 30yr old or things of that nature which is the situation she brought up(not trying to debate here just giving an example). It’s always something of that sorts when it comes to me interacting with others and I’m so sick of it. So i started to wonder and think maybe I need to work on my social skills. Just looking to hear from others who also relate… at one point I even stopped talking and got rid of all my social media just so I did not have to interact with anyone and I’m about to go back to that.

1 comment
  1. when you do get your socials back try to dm a couple people see how it goes. if they misinterprut you and you explain but they still not listening move to the next person theres loads of people. then maybe you might make a few friends that you could meet.

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