Tl;dr: my (35F) friend (40M) has a crush on me, wouldn’t stop messaging and didn’t get the hint that I wanted him to leave me alone despite asking him to stop.

My other post for a recap if you are interested: [\_advice/comments/xre6da/friend\_with\_crush\_wont\_leave\_me\_alone\_after\_i/](

I ended up nicely telling him to stop texting so much, I don’t like that constant interaction. But that didn’t work, either. He would text message me multiple times a day, I ignored him, and he would keep texting and it was like he was having a conversation by himself. Example: “you won’t see this but here I am eating chicken wings, <<picture>>, sharing with you in spirit”. This went on over the weekend while I ignored him and figured out what to do before finally I snapped. How can he be so dense.

I told him to stop texting me, I am not interested in constant interaction with him all day and he needs to fall back.

He said, “o!!!!! I didn’t mean to offend you heh heh I am really sorry.” And now according to my friend he has fallen off the grid and into a depressed spell. I said well he was borderline harassing me and I asked him to stop. My best friend said I shouldn’t have been so mean to him, he is so sensitive and fragile!

I can’t believe I am getting blamed for how a 40 year old man chose to react but I realize this is why he doesn’t have any friends. My sympathy has gone out the window. And unfortunately my friend is taking his side because he is made of glass, I guess.

  1. I don’t find what you’ve said rude at all. You spoke up for yourself, and he didn’t like it. That’s solely on him. As for your friends, it shouldn’t matter how they feel about the situation, you did what you needed to do for you

  2. This isn’t your fault and you are NTA here.

    The man is 40. He knew he was harassing you as you asked him several times to stop. He continued to do so. He is upset now because you have been honest that you don’t want this communication and that’s not your problem, it’s his.

    Tbh he sounds incredibly childish, not only because he went to your sister about liking him, but he’s he’s got the *sads* and is trying to guilt you in to speaking to him through mutual friends.

    I think you need to block him on all platforms to stop him contacting you and leaving any group chat where he is a member. Otherwise he will just feel like he can wheedle his way back to spamming you.

    If anyone has a problem with this just tell them it is because his behaviour is inappropriate and makes you uncomfortable. Remember that No is a complete sentence. Anyone who tries to guilt you into speaking to this man child again does not have your best interests at heart.

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