So I recently got into college and we are having an induction program of 2 weeks for which every 1st year student sit in the same auditorium. People have already formed groups, go to canteen together or just hangout in breaks while I just go to the hall at 9 am sit there, eat alone in a corner during break and then just come back at 4pm. It’s not like I am a loner. I had a large friend’s circle with which I used to hangout a lot amd I am still connected with them. It’s just I take a lot of time to make friends. I first find my type of people and then apporach them slowly like sit behind them and slowly make a conversation about small things. It takes month for me. While people here made group the first day they came. I feel left behind and fear that I would be alon for the rest 4 year since people already made their group. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. Switch up your process. Talk to people and through that interaction determine if they are your type of person

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