Older Men, what’s the hardest lesson you had to learn as you got older?

  1. Even though my brain still thinks I’m 25, my body says, “No you’re fuckin’ not.”

  2. Everything that you could get away with 10 years ago will never happen again. Have your shit together because no one will pity you and no one will make excuses for you.

  3. That my dad was right….No matter how much you love them, or how much you think they love you NEVER trust a women!

  4. If you didn’t take care of your back and knees, there’s nothing you can do now to get them back, only to cope, alleviate, and not deteriorate them further.

  5. Time moves faster and faster. You have to make a daily conscious effort to center yourself and create a memory of acknowledging your presence in the moment. Otherwise years can fly by like weeks.

  6. Days go slow and years go fast. Somethings I think to myself, how in the hell am I 50? It just seems like the period of getting married, having and raising kids went by so fast.

  7. That most relationships are temporary. That you can only do things the first time once. You can only fall in love for the first time once, you can only buy your first home together once. As you get older, there are fewer for the first time thrills. Plus no matter how much you try to keep up, things age around you. Technology outpaces you, you can’t run as fast, people, places, and things once dear to you disappear into only your memories.

  8. Everyone is mean. You don’t have to be.

    Women are, in actuality, the same as men, and the only major difference is that you can lift a rock that is 30% heavier.

    Love is an action based word. If it doesn’t accompany beneficial behavior, it’s about you loving you, not you loving them

    Time is actual money. You can spend more time with those you love when you have money. When you don’t have money, you work, and I think that’s a beautiful expression of love, and it would be nice if more people realized that the food didn’t spring onto their plate for no reason.

    I’m not that important, in fact, most people never think of me. It is what it is.

    If someone spends all their time reaching out to people, they are probably a helper type, and no one is reaching out to them to help them. So reach out to them.

    If you can’t take care of something, don’t get it. Can’t do an oil change? Don’t buy the mercedes. Can’t spend an hour walking a dog? Get a cat, or a dog that doesn’t need an hour a day walk. There are less of these than you’d imagine.

    To follow up, though, be empathetic and understanding. The person who can’t afford the vet bill may have nothing else in their life that loves them (or you are a selfish person) . Their home is probably better than the pound. Probably.

    Empathy is a two fold concept. It allows you to see when another person is having problems and need help; it also allows you to see when someone is bullshitting and needs to be stepped away from. If you can’t distinguish between the help/bullshit, you are sympathetic, and you should probably adjust for that little blindspot.

    There’s more I guess.

  9. Nothing is about me. Anyone who criticizes me don’t really care, but they are criticizing their own insecurity that they see in me reflecting back at them. The hardest lesson is to not take it personally and to just brush it off.

  10. Protect your knees at all costs. Stuff may not hurt when your young – like kneeling while working on a hard surface, but using the pads you strap on will give you more pain free years

  11. Not exactly the hardest, but more of a life lesson….

    Spending money on fancy clothes, shoes, cars, etc. are just for pride and ego. As you grow older, maturity and experience leads to wisdom. It is the relationships you built and how you treated people that matters in the end.

    It is also perfectly fine to explore and be adventurous (not reckless) while you’re young. Never be afraid to try. You can never relive your youth. Do all and be all then you won’t have to spend your old age with regrets or wondering what could have been.

  12. You are alone. Nobody gives a flying Frankfort fuck about you, not even the ones who say they do, they’re lying. You are also stronger than all of them and mentally built to handle the lack of caring. It is up to you to put this into action.

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