In more recent times it seems that men approach women less when it comes to asking them out on dates. For guys that still feel confident in asking girls out, whats your experience been like?

  1. That’s the funny thing. I’m a solid 3/10. But I get first dates about half the time with women I ask out. Second dates…the rate drops fast, but that is sometimes her idea, sometimes mine.

    Online, nothing happening at all.

  2. I’m happily involved with a woman I love, so this goes back a few years to my single days.

    I used to be shy/introverted and then a friend convinced me that if I just tried to flirt/ask out every woman I see, I’d get better at it. One caveat; do not do it while drinking!

    He was right. It’s comparable to someone who wants to pursue a career in sales. Best way to start out is going door to door. The first few times you get a door slammed in your face, much like the first few times you get rejected, it hurts. It can, for a while, really screw with your self esteem as you come to expect the door slamming or the rejection. But if you just keep doing it, eventually you adjust. You develop what can be described as a *professional detachment.* You do your best, pitch your line and if the door slams or the rejection comes, it doesn’t even effect you. You just pick up and move on to the next door or dating prospect. You develop a self confidence and certain amount of charisma that women are naturally attracted to.

    In my best days, the success rate was maybe 20%, which was fine. If I found myself in a period of feeling lonely & desiring some female companionship, I could easily approach more than a 1/2 dozen women a week and take a chance. Yes, the rejections far outweighed the success, but it never took long to find someone interested & compatible.

  3. High. Maybe 90%.

    I only ask if I have high confidence if getting a yes. The majority of no’s are from girls in a relationship.

  4. I got more dates, more numbers and more sex in six months of cold approaching than I did in two years of online dating.

    Cold approaches allow you to show off more personality up front. It makes them wonder things, like hobbies and interests and the intrigue usually gets you that date.

    Plus they know you are at least only a part time basement dweller.

  5. I can’t remember the last time I was turned down for a date. I suppose by the time I ask, the interest and intrigue has already been established on both ends.

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