I’m in the process of working on myself and fixing my relationship. My(F29) boyfriend(M26) have been together a year and have been friends for a few years. We a 1 month old baby. He’s a wonderful and caring person and a really good Dad. I love and care for him deeply. The problem is, I have extreme trust issues stemming from childhood and early adulthood trauma, along with bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression (this is not an exuse, simply an explanation). At times when I’m manic I just start feeling really dumb and thinking the worst, and bringing up the past and stupid stuff that have no merit. When I get like that I feel like a different person, as if I’m watching myself from above out of a second story window or something. As stated before, I’m trying to be better. I’m resuming my therapy, going to see my psychiatrist, and have begun working out to improve my self esteem so I could stop being so insecure. Does anyone have any advice on what other things I may do to not push my partner away? Any and all advice would be so very greatly appreciated, thank you.

1 comment
  1. Dont be too scared. Just calm down. Be loving not only to ur baby but more to ur husband. That would be nice to him.

    The fact that you are reflecting is a good sign from ur end. Try to cope with those issues by explaining urself to him. Be mentally a bit more stronger and face ur issues. I know its hard but thats how people grow. Dont let bad things based on that issue affect ur relationship and especially ur baby. Best of luck!

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