•I treat texting like snail mail
•I do not expect quick responses

my question is, have you ever come across situations where you send a text to a friend and they consistently don’t acknowledge or engage in that text and will start a new conversation kind like the last text never happened- and they expect you to respond to them even though they have left many of your own messages on what seems to be “read”

And potentially, If you did the same back, they’d probably call it out and be like “what’s wrong”

It gives the same IRL feeling as trying to say something and being talked over. And then when you start being quieter they r like “ what’s the matter! U should talk more “

I just wanna know what ppl think about this. do you think it’s normal/respectful/valuable friendship behavior? Are my expectations too high to think that a message should be addressed eventually ?

And maybe.. Should I set a boundary ???? Is it a problem that I respond to every text- and would it be normal if I left people on read and started new convos in the middle of their questions lol

1 comment
  1. Yeah that is really rude and disrespectful, especially if they expect you to respond to every message they send. It seems like they’re holding you to a standard that they themselves do not meet.

    Before setting a boundary, I would suggest you talk to them about it. Try to not get angry. Just ask them in a curious and playful tone to gather information. Maybe they have some legit reasons.

    Once you have heard their side, then you can share how you feel about it. If they are listening and thinking about your feelings, then that’s a good sign. If they are dismissive and telling you you’re overreacting, then that’s a bad sign.

    If the conversation goes well, then you guys can come up with a solution together based on whatever their reasons are for leaving you on read. Maybe they’re not good at texting, so you guys should talk more in person or over the phone. Maybe they are forgetful and need reminders. Etc.

    But if the conversation did not go well, then you should draw boundaries. Just stop texting as much, and when you do text, don’t text anything serious that you would want a response to.

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