Men of Reddit, I am 15 year old boy. All my friends who previously called me a “Simp” for talking to girls of my class are now flirting with the same girls, and I can’t do anything about it since I am always that “left-out from the group” guy. I just can’t focus on my goals ‘cuz of this. What to do?

  1. Forget all that bullshit. Just start lifting weights , get in good shape then you should get chicks pretty easily.

  2. It will get better. Focus on your classes, get the grades. Find a hobby that makes you happy. You will find better friends eventually

  3. You may want to get some better friends who actually care about you. But hell you’re only 15 you’ve a ton of years ahead of you man, focus on yourself. But most important have fun, if they really bother you this much, consider cutting them off and joining a new group of people who actually want you to be around. Surround yourself with nice and caring people. Good luck man, keep it up you’ll be just fine.

  4. Do you work out hard 3 days a week? If not, that will make a huge difference in your life. Meanwhile, laugh at the assholes, continue to be friends with the best people in your class, and be yourself. These teen years are hard, but it gets better.

    Three more bits of advice for the next 10 years:

    1) Don’t get married.

    2) Don’t get anyone pregnant.

    3) Don’t get any tattoos.

  5. Bruh, you’ve got your whole life to be in a failing marriage where your wife spends all your money on Rae Dunn and Starbucks while she neglects your kids and blames you for her failings in the bedroom.

    Go be a dude for a little while. Make friends and be a brother.

    Fuck them hoes.

  6. You have awful friends. They where just getting in your head and deflating your confidence to they could make a play.

    Dump them. You may end up alone, but that just means you got rid of all the unnecessary baggage.

    They where threatened by your move. Remember this.

    As to your goals, take a few days to mediate on the toxic influences in your life, and how to remove them. Then take those steps. No matter how painful that course of action may result in, these steps will ultimately be beneficial to you. Once that’s done, figure out skills you have/would like to have, and improve upon/learn them. This is a huge confidence builder and with confidence comes a desire to reach goals.

    It hurts now, but trust me, work on yourself first and you’ll be fine.

  7. Hate to break it to you, but they’re not your friends if they leave you out from the group.

    Be to yourself and speak to the girls if you want to. Or keep quiet and separate from the “friend group”. There will be girls who will follow, or at least they did on my experience.

  8. None of this will matter in a few years, but for the love of God, learn how to tell who is a friend and who is not before you move on to real life.

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