Perhaps someone older or with a different perspective can provide some comments. It wouldn’t be hidden or unfaithful as they all know whats going on. I’m very competitive and couldn’t imagine being with only one woman.

  1. I’d say sure, technically it’s possible. But I can’t imagine the chances of you finding a woman who will want to build a family with you, remain faithful, and let you sleep around are high.

    I enjoy sleeping around too which is why I don’t plan on ever being in a committed relationship.

    I’d say if you want one of these things then you’re more than likely going to have to sacrifice the other.

  2. I don’t think polyamorous arrangements are great for kids. The likelihood of them being abused or developing attachment issues goes up as you add more and more adults to their lives. I know lots of parents who are swingers, though, and as long as they aren’t neglecting their kids, I think that’s fine.

  3. Go to the polyamory subreddit. There’s poly families. But do read up and do your work before becoming poly or bringing kids into a poly arrangement.

  4. You have to give up one or the other. And as you get older you are unlikely to have 4-6 girls hanging around for you. The family lasts longer and is more satisfying, imho.

  5. You may need to think about relationships more realistically. Even poly relationships have a low low chance of having children plus 4-6 sexual partners. Just getting one good relationship to have a child is difficult enough.

  6. If you have daughters would you want them to be one of those 4-6 girls for some other man? Or see you as their father treat women like that? You should consider that.

  7. I am in a poly relationship with 1 primary partner and the opportunity to date outside. This works well for us, a stable core and we are each others priority.

    Of course it can work with multiple people in relationship, the odds of finding multiple long term partners that gets along for decades seems long.

    Not impossible just unlikely.

  8. A time may come where the time / effort / emotional cost of this type of dating is not longer worth it relative to the time / effort / emotional desires or needs of family / kids.

  9. Shouldn’t you be asking some of these half dozen ladies you see at the same time what they think about having your baby or babies? Maybe you could prepare a survey and ask them to all fill it out for you. That would be efficient.

  10. That is possible, but difficult.

    Easyest way is a core couple with some less attached partners, but you also have to be willing to let them do the same.

  11. Wife one up keep side pieces. Your going to get angry reactions from women, who cares if you can pull it off do it.

  12. /r/nonmonogamy is a thing

    Realistically speaking, though, there’s only so much time in a day. Between a primary partner, a full-time job, and active parenting, you’re not gonna have a huge amount of time left for side action.

    Also, this path requires a ton of emotional work to do it right. If you don’t like processing feelings, this ain’t the path for you. It ain’t the path for most women, either. Be prepared for your dating pool to shrink quickly after you rule out all of the monogamists.

    tl;dr: Yes, but it ain’t glamorous

  13. Basically, no. And I don’t think competitiveness has anything to do with it. I’m 29 and my “4-6 deep rotation” days ended years ago, it’s pretty immature for where you’re at imo. If you want a family that’s one thing, but don’t bring kids into this shit show.

  14. Bruh…. I have one kid (another on the way), and one wife, and barely have enough time to do anything for myself. I couldn’t fathom how that would ever work, but some people DO make it work. So sure! It’s possible, just difficult.

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