Should you try to have a conversation first and then later squeeze in the fact that you’re interested in her..or start with a compliment at the very beginning?

  1. If a stranger walks up to me an compliments me I’m gonna be sketched tf out. Small talk is better imo

  2. Depends on the compliment “you are gorgeous” = no

    “Great outfit/hair/interesting book you’re reading, etc” = yes

  3. Please never compliment a person you dont know. Its so creepy.😂

    Imagine someone walks up to you randomly and starts saying you have nice smooth skin… Your eyes are so large. Your smile is beautiful….

    Youll either think this is some psycho who wants to skin you alive or a movie romcom. Hahaha joking , of course , but also serious. Its uncomfortable to be hit on. It means from a distance you saw someones body…. And that doesnt inspire a date or any long term commitment.

    But what do i know? Im just bitter i got rejected. Ill be over here moping. Passing my little knowledge onto others while i try to figure out why the f im an idiot.

  4. You smile and say”It’s really nice we finally meet”, then proceed to the place your going. simple and effective, no compliments on first date though.

  5. You can lead with a compliment but don’t make it about their appearance. You can do that later in the convo

  6. Depends on the girl, could always do introduce yourself then if she doesn’t blow you off give her a compliment and work from there

  7. It’s ok to lead with a very specific compliment- eg I really like your blue bag, that coat is amazing where did you get it from, I love your hair colour (if it’s a bit wacky)- but not generics like you have a lovely smile/ eyes 🤮

    It’s best to start up a conversation really unless the compliment is genuine (eg you do really really like her bag/ coat)

  8. Lead with a compliment then conversation. It’ll make sure she knows you’re interested, and can prevent you from being friendzoned

  9. you should present yourself to her here’s a scenario.

    hey i saw you near the bar, & well you’re adorable & all but you seem like trouble for me

    is a great opener breaks the ice from the start, & is also very flirty

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