I (25M) had a really good date two weeks ago with a woman (25F) I matched with on Hinge. Had good conversation and I felt like something could be there because we both were looking for something serious. Didn’t talk all that much because we were both busy and I honestly don’t know how to respond (while I made almost all of the effort to initiate), but tried to set something up for last Thursday (Then Monday). She thinks that we’re at different dating stages and thinks it’s best if we don’t keep seeing each other. I said I understand and left it at that.

I haven’t dated well, ever. Once in high school but that was when I was 17 and it went down in flames. I straight up told her that I honestly don’t know what to do but want to make an effort to get to know her. This has always been the result no matter how many times I try. Every time.

So now what outside of moving on from this?(Which I’m fully aware of). I don’t want to date casually, I want something long term. How is that even possible with my inexperience.

TL;DR: Can’t ever seem to get past one date because I have no real dating experience at 25 and frankly I don’t know what to do to change that anymore without going the casual route which I don’t want to do.

Edited because I didn’t clarify that I’m looking for something serious and that there’s nothing wrong with casual dating it’s just not what I’m looking for.

  1. Go the casual route, not everyone is looking to jump straight to marriage when you meet them. Plus the casual shit could turn into something serious overtime

  2. Hmm, I know it’s kinda trite advice but being initially confident could help. You don’t have to advertise your perceived flaws or weaknesses first. Because when you come out of the gate saying “I’m shy” for example, the other person is going to think you’re REALLY shy, when you might just be kinda quiet. Same thing with “inexperience” and “not knowing how to date”. That sorta thing can get brought up during the “wanna be exclusive?/what are we?” Conversations, not the initial “want to get to know each other?” Ones

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