As in the title. We are both in our late 20s and have been together for a year. This has been something he’s struggled with throughout and at this point we are only having sex once or twice in a month. Often when we have sex the only way for him to stay hard is to go hard/fast which I don’t particularly get anything from. And even with this he often doesn’t finish – it will just continue until we’re both tired of having sex. The thing is for me it’s a massive turn on to have a guy finish inside and i know its not the only important thing in sex but i do find it fulfilling and can lead to me finishing too. I feel like I’ve pretty much lost my sex drive having been in relationships previously where I’d have sex a few times a week and at times daily. The other thing is that when we have sex we don’t communicate much which I’ve tried to initiate more (e.g. does that feel good, how do you want me to…, do you like it when i…) but often i dont get more than a mumble back. I’m also finding it hard to get him to communicate outside of sexual situations as well.

Are we just incompatible? or does anyone have any ideas on keeping him hard, positions that work well if he’s a bit soft.

  1. I’ve been there (male here) and to this day happens at times. I find that I tend to be so focused on finishing that I over think it and stress about it.

    Relax and have fun.

  2. Lots of men struggle with ED! It could be something he talks to a professional about and they may have some solutions.

  3. He’s probably overthinking it, especially if he’s all but unresponsive during. Is he in good health? Fit? And does he seem happy and relaxed around you, or tense and anxious?

  4. Have him see his doctor. Find out also if there is some fetish or other thing he needs and doesn’t want to talk about.

    Severe ED in your 20s is not normal. It was my one specific symptom of testosterone dysregulation, but I had a lot of other non-specific symptoms.

  5. Blood pressure issues, depression, and anxiety can make it very difficult to maintain an erection and/or finish.

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