Hi, i have a meet with a friend tonight, i want to go, but at the same time i dont want to go. The reason is that he basically used me alot as a uber, since i had my drivers license before him and a car too. I used to drive him for basically 2 years from school to home, because i felt sorry for him since his busses drive so bad and because hes my friend. Now we will meet tonight at a bar to drink and what issues me is that i wont be able to drive with my car (dont wanna pay for a taxi) if i want to drink and even if i dont drink i will be forced to drive him home too, because then he would be alone and since he lives basically on my way home i feel obligated to drive him too. He never has driven me with his car, or has done anything really for me, like i even took him back home when he wasnt able to even walk because of his drunkenness. Idk what i should do, thanks for every response

  1. Can I ask what age you guys are? I would probably cut ties with a friend like this, but depending on age it might be worth having a good, open conversation about your friendship.
    The reason I think it might be worth saving the friendship is because he is meeting up with just you to spend time hanging out with you. He isn’t using you as an uber to mostly enjoy himself with other people.

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