So I’ve been single for 2 years and pandemic has stolen every single romantic thing in my life lol. I’ve been wanting to be in a relationship but I haven’t met people my type. Tried dating apps but most people there want hookups only and some who wanted real relationship aren’t just my type. I found a few men and chatted with them a little but it didn’t work out, really.

I’m turning 29 soon and I felt like time is a ticking bomb. Has anyone here felt a bit frustrated with the dating scene and felt lonely? To those who have been successful, where to find good people to date with these days?

  1. you say you’re looking for a relationship and those looking for a hookup you arent attracted to, understandable. However it sounds like you’ve also had some genuine opportunities to at least go on a date. I think you need to be a bit more open minded.

  2. I always say, let me look at your last 5 boyfriends and I’ll tell you who you are.

    Men’s dating choices are all over the place. Womens’ dating choices are MUCH EASIER to pinpoint. You lot usually have a type, and for better or for worse, you’re sticking to it.

  3. I think a ton of people feel the same way you do. You’re looking for the bowl of porridge that’s just right. You have to continue to work on yourself and put the best version of you out there.

    Here’s the secret to managing it, find fulfillment out side of dating. Plan trips, pick up hobbies, find meet up groups. You determine your happiness through actions.

    Best of luck, it helps me.

  4. Find a hobby you like. Join a club or community and meet someone there. Best place I’ve found.

  5. It depends. Women looking for a man? Just about everywhere. Men are all over the place. At the gym, at the store, the coffee shop, the bar, the park, everywhere. Juat find one you like the look of and start talking to them, simple as. Dating apps are also replete with men, roughly ten men to each woman.

    Man seeking a woman? No idea. For me, even seeing a woman who is not obviously married is a special occasion. Finding where women are hiding is a huge problem for me and many other men.

  6. Get out of dating your “type”. There seems to be a lot more genuine options that way. Have I had success? No lol but at least I feel like I’m actually dating real men and not f boys anymore. I’m having genuine conversations, real connections and will continue trying to find someone where we click in multiple ways. And I no longer feel like I’m being used which is the best part of it all!

  7. Keep talking to as many people. Be nice, helpful, courteous and if you vibe well with someone, you just ask them out

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