dating game, obviously.

  1. Just be yourself and the right people/women will find you. No need to try and be someone you’re not. That never works.

  2. By being ruthless and throwing your shots left and right. People worry about rejection but you’d be surprised how some women would be willing to fuck you more if you style the rejection off, by staying teasy and flirty. You become more attractive when you’re able to counter someone who is trying to take power from you

  3. Just be a decent person. If you’re a decent person, there will always be someone who will want to date you if you are searching.

  4. One does not just get game. One must develop game by going through the trials and tribulations of conquering fear and overcoming shyness and facing the facts of life.

  5. Have fun doing stuff in locations that don’t exclude women. Interact with women in those locations. One of them will make an advance, don’t miss it.

  6. Practice

    Also, be realistic about the women you approach. There’s this 90’s movie called *Love Potion #9* where the protagonist’s so-called friends get him to hit on the hot chick at the bar. She takes one look at him and asks him why she would ever go out with him. It’s a stupidly insightful look at dating. What happened later in the movie…not so much.

  7. stop thinking of it as ‘game’.

    be genuine. develop virtues like compassion, integrity, and be interested in others and their wellbeing.

    people can smell bullshit. if you want respect, give respect. don’t try to trick people into liking you. *be* likeable

    edit: downvoting without saying why? how surprising.

  8. Easiest way is to hang out with people with better game and learn from them. Having a hot female friend also helps to get use to girls and see them as people.

    You will also learn Alot of girls have no clue on how to be with a man.

  9. By failing. Over and over and over. Then, failing beecame LEARNING and I got better and better and better.

  10. By practicing, skinning your knees, getting blown out, and trying enough things until you find something that makes you feel comfortable and works.

    The art of ‘game’ isn’t some magical formula where all women find you attractive, and you have the pick of the litter. What it teaches you is, first, how to spot a woman that might find you attractive, without having talked to you. Then, second, how to approach her with confidence, and third, how to talk and flirt with her without being a creep. That’s all it is – three things. But those three things will hold you in good stead throughout your dating life.

  11. By becoming a more captivating and interesting person to be around. You become game.

  12. Like any skill, you have to get out there and try. And keep trying.

    You can read books and watch videos about golfing but to be good you have to get on the course and play.

    Same with meeting women, get out there and do it.

  13. I think you just do things with confidence & if you get rejected don’t let it phase you

  14. Honestly ‘game’ depends on how you look. If youre ugly then spitting game gets you labeled creepy

  15. Get better at talking first, then worry about talking to other people.

    I just talk about stuff under my breath when I’m cooking or driving, usually in a youtube tutorial style. (Example “hey, guys, today I’m going to show you how to make good for under $1 per meal”) It helped me figure out pacing, made my speech clearer, and made it easier to transition from sentence to sentence without stuttering.

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