Instead of the generic, “Hey, how are you?”

  1. Speak your mind. Nothing is better than honesty. Like I can see your receding hairline in the pictures..

  2. It doesn’t really matter, all that does is if she’s going to keep responding consistently and sincerely. At least if she’s interested.

  3. I never get messaged first online unless I get a “calling card” for Snapchat, Onlyfans, or Instagram from a bot.

  4. Pointing out smt funny on my picā€™s or bio shows the girl actually paid interest in me and make me want to engage in an actual conversation instead of 20 matches acting royal with just ā€œheyā€.

  5. Anything that indicates a genuine interest would prompt me to want to further the conversation.

  6. Anything that doesn’t read like, I’m here now you do the work in the conversation

  7. If I get a message Iā€™d like it to be something that can develop into a conversation like hobbies or life goals. That way we can get to know important things about each other and I feel it can more easily determine if they are my type.

  8. Iā€™m afraid how men feel about your first message depends almost entirely on your appearance.

    Donā€™t shoot the messenger.

  9. By first message you mean she is writing first or her first response?

    Women just don’t write first, unless they wanna sell nudes.

    I am lucky if 1/100 will respond(if I DM first) and ofc they usually wanna sell nudes.

  10. Well if they take the time to read my bio and take a point out of that as opener. Shows me that she took the time. I do the same

  11. Nah hey how are you is fine. I will know if I like them or not in the next 10 min anyway…

  12. Honestly love it when the woman does the pickup line or shoots me a funny joke. I like women who got great humor and can make me laugh

  13. If there’s something on my profile that catches your interest, you can ask about that. It’s a pretty straightforward conversation starter.

    That said, I have pretty much only received different variations of “hi” and one cheesy pick-up line thus far, so ymmv.

  14. Basically anything besides check out my insta and a link or any variation of that is cool. Or something other than telling me how bad your day is and asking me for money is pretty sweet. Other than that the first message isn’t nearly as important as how easy it is to get a response when I message. Like if all you’re going to say is “ok” or something I can’t really respond to I can’t work with you on that.

  15. “hey how are you?” Is great if they are actually interested and not going to ghost when I answer and ask them the same question

  16. One option involves the fact that, I have heard some people suggest that women may have little in the way of charm and humorā€¦

    So try simple opening lines on OLD that would dispel that idea.

    After all – themselves seem to enjoy when a guyā€™s opener is fun, upbeat, playful, positiveā€¦ Maybe men arenā€™t much different in that aspect.

  17. How about going out and neeting women in public?
    Dating apps are not designed to find you the perfect mate, they are designed to keep you as a return customer. It kills me that people actually believe dating apps are altruistic.

  18. Something related to my bio or pictures. One girl that really stood out was when she asked a anime question. When we both had in your bios that we liked anime.

  19. I don’t get first messages on dating sites. Ever. At least not from real women. Just bots, prostitutes and people linking to their onlyfans.

    On Bumble they kind of have to send a first message, but it’s just “Hi” because it’s the bare minimum. I don’t count that. I reply because, well, if I didn’t I’d never meet anyone on Bumble. But it definitely not a great conversation starter.

  20. Anything really, let it be generic or creative. Usually nobody would text me first. Dumbass high standards

  21. I never got one so i can’t speak from experience but if I was still on apps I would say something that shows they’ve looked through my profile, they come across as a nice person and want to actually get to know me

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