I (M28) and my so (F27) have been dating for about 4 years now. Randomly, she will often bring up this scenario that if she were blindfolded and had a number of guys including myself come up to kiss her she would be able to tell which one is me. Now, she will bring up this scenario every now and then seemingly at random to the point where I’m curious if it’s a cover for any hidden desires/fantasies.

For starters, why would she be playing this scenario through her head of being blindfolded kissing other men and myself in the first place? I get that she is reinforcing the that she could pick me out as a needle in the haystack type of reference. But why is she imagining me as a needle in the haystack and bringing this scenario up in the first place? Does she secretly desire the thought of being blindfolded and intimate with other men and myself? I’m not jumping to conclusions or judging nor do I hold anything against her possible fantasies or ideations regarding this scenario. Just curious of any other thoughts.

TLDR: SO brings up scenario of being blindfolded picking me out of a group of guys kissing her?

  1. How do you usually react after she makes this comment? If you play along with it maybe she sees it as a way to be playful in conversation and since you respond to it in a neutral or positive way she may use it as a conversation starter.

    Yes, she could be using it as cover to open up a conversation about a fantasy she might have, but at the end of the day, if it makes you any way uncomfortable just have a talk in a polite way about what your boundaries are. Even if that sort of fantasy never becomes reality, even if she had total freedom to do so, you should have these conversations about what both of you are comfortable with and what lines should never be crossed.

  2. I mean it’s just a fantasy, it’s not like she asked you to act this out, you’re overthinking this.

  3. Give her a blindfold and a list of your friends to pick who comes over. Maybe she wants more than a kiss from your friends.

  4. This seems like a very small dilemma. If there were other behaviors that gave you red flags and you kind of connected them all together with some context THEN I’d be worried. Not really much to go on from this.

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