What makes you ghost someone?

  1. I don’t EVER

    ghosting is a cunts trick, there’s nothing that stops you sending a message saying ‘i’m done’ and then going.

  2. They’ll really have to try hard to make me consider ghosting.
    Like if they’re harassing me in some way shape or form, and if I’ve told them that I’m uncomfortable a couple of times, I would most likely just ignore and ghost them forever. As clearly they don’t understand that they’re hurting me.

  3. When I was 18-19 : being immature, scared of men’s reactions if I said no, general unpreparedness to date anyone after some bad to traumatic experiences. I wouldn’t ghost people after a date or something, but I did ghost some people before a date, because I was a mess

  4. if I let them know I’m not interested, and they keep bombarding my inbox, but don’t do anything worth blocking

  5. Whenever I feel threatened, I don’t just straight up ghost, I’ll say “Yeah I don’t feel safe around you and here’s why…” And then I ghost them.

  6. When they won’t stop texting me even though I made it CLEAR that I don’t want them to. In my opinion it’s rude and it’s annoying so the only solution is to ghost..

  7. Ohh i m a big ghoster and i don’t even feel bad about it.

    So some reasons could be…. Being a perv, being boring af, being not upto my mark to pursue further, talking just about hooking up or just sex, talking just about themselves all the time.

    I ghost. If they ask, i message upfront n leave them be.

  8. When their a bro-friend, who *tries* to start being like, *~heyy~* but then goes back to normal without me having to correct them. I don’t like awkward friendships🫥

  9. I ghosted a friend when I found out that he put hands on his girlfriend. I’m not normally a proponent for ghosting, but it does have it’s time and place.

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