So please please please miss me with the “white knight” noise. How do I motivate my GF to hit the gym? She’s starting to get a little squishy around the middle. We have talked about it and I invite her whenever I go, she either declines or she’s not into it.

  1. Well ‘squishy around the middle’, or fat, is handled by calorie deficit alone with a recommended high protein intake. Then resistance training and/or cardio can help by burning calories from the other end. Wanting her to be as healthy as possible is a fine desire as long as it’s not just driven by looks alone. There’s no easy way of bringing that conversation up, but it can be if you ***both*** go on a fitness journey together.

  2. Give her something she wants to start. Or talk her friends into signing up for a class. Even better if you have a couple that your friendly with. If you all sign up for a class together it will become a social thing and she’ll start dragging you to the gym. Your main goal is to get her in the door and sweating, it won’t be the workouts your want or the motivations you want. It will be what workout appeals to her and the motivations will be hers.

  3. You have to let her know you’re not into pot bellies and if the relationship is going to work, you both need to respect yourselves enough to stay in shape.

    If she doesn’t care enough about you to stay in shape, you cut her loose.

  4. Maybe let her make her own decisions and love her regardless of how she looks? If you’re really not capable of that and it bothers you that much, I’d let her move on to find someone mature enough to do that.

  5. I’d send her a pack of little Debbie’s if I could after reading this. Be different if you were worried about her health.

  6. Tell her that she needs to lose weight directly. No sugar coding or using kid gloves. Explain how you’re losing sexual attraction, which is impacting your overall relationship. If your girlfriend truly respects you and realizes that you’re serious. She’ll take the necessary steps to become more fit.

    End of the day you can’t make her do anything, you can only control what you allow in your life. You’ve said she’s already declined attending the gym in the past and brushed off weight loss. She made her move so now it’s your choice. You can accept this is her true self, pull back on communication/attention, or just leave. With weight issues it’s best to nip it in the bud early. Once you notice something call it out. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your girl to lose weight for a sexual attraction.

  7. She has to want it for herself, not you. Her motivation will strike when her favorite pair of skinny jeans no longer fits.

  8. Do you want her to go for her health and well being or do you want her to go because you want her to look a certain way for yourself?

    Both have to be approached differently and with different levels of insistence.

    The first one is done by voicing concerns, offering support and help. Can be done with a bit more insistence if the health is really a serious and urgent concern.

    The second one is done by making a request. Ask her if she would be willing to go to the gym because you want her to look different than she does now. Cannot be done with any level of insistence without breaking the respect barrier. Especially if you have not done similar things from her requesting it.

    We are all the masters of our own body and trying to get a hold of someone else’s body from emotional influence isn’t really respectful. Even if they are at risk of being seriously unhealthy it should be done respectfully and more oriented on making them understand than making them obey.

    IDK what kind of relationship you have with your gf, but if you just want her to look differently and insist too much she’d def have a reason to be sour about it and react badly to your request imo.

  9. My wife really thrives in group fitness classes. We tried going just her and I when I was lifting and it was a bit of slog. Sometimes the gym floor can be an uncomfortable setting for people.

    I just signed up to do group classes with her and now she’s in the best shape she’s ever been in. I’m quite enjoying the classes too even though I didn’t think I would

  10. Unfortunately you can’t.

    It’s not going to happen until “she” feels that this is a problem that she needs to solve.

  11. It’s not any different than if you’re striving for a personal goal. You try to do whatever you can without forcing her to do anything. Invite her to the gym. If she declines, invite her to go on long walks. If she declines, last resort is to learn how to cook cheap, delicious, **nutritious** and satiating meals. If she declines, you have to accept that maybe she’s just not at that stage yet. And if this is a deal breaker for you, respond accordingly.

  12. You dont. No way to motivate or pressure someone else into something they dont want to do. You break up and find someone who cares about their shape as much as you do. She will probably find someone to be lazy with tho as a lot of men today have basically no standards

  13. She’s gaining comfort weight.

    Try couples activities first: Walks, hiking, bike rides, anything mobile.

    Admit to her that you want the both of you around for the long run and personal fitness is important for achieving that goal.

    If she continues to gain, dump her. I know it sounds cold, but you both need to set good examples for each other and any kids you want.

  14. Tell her you will flick her bean with your tongue more if she gets all sweaty from working out. That should get her in there 7 days a week if you are any good at that…

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