Men of Reddit, how do you handle cold and fever.?

  1. Like a champ.

    Wife is a type 1 diabetic. When she gets sick, it hits her like a truck.

    We have 3 children. They are cosntantly bringing home sickness.

    So time and time again, I am stuck taking care of 4 sick people while being sick myself.

    Sucks, but I have gotten good at it.

  2. Vaccinations…

    Nah just kidding, old school grandma hacks, Herbal teas, hot water bottles, blankets, natural herb wraps, heat baths with eucalyptus and menthol, nettle tea, chicken soup. This kind of stuff.

  3. Im good at knowing when its coming so i dope myself up… usually get a good day of where it kicks me down… keep the meds going and keep moving as best i can… then i am good after 3 full days.

  4. Until my mid-30s, I could handle it more or less easily.
    Even with cough and fever, I was still able to e.g. do some simple household tasks like cooking a simple meal or some cleaning, or could distract myself by reading a book, watching a movie, or playing some video games.
    Now that I’m past my mid-40s, all I can do is lie in bed and wait for the day to end.

  5. If your fever is high, take some Tylenol. Other than that, get lots of sleep (just sleep all day if possible) take hot showers, drink lots of warm fluids, and eat lots of chicken noodle soup (real homemade chicken noodle soup).

  6. 4 Ibuprofen every 6 hours to help with fever and aches.

    Actifed every 6 hours which you get behind the counter at the pharmacy. It contains pseudoephedrine to help with stuffiness and congestion and an antihistamine which helps with runny nose and sneezing.

    If I have a cough I take Mucinex DM which is an expectorant and a cough suppressant to help break up all that mucus in your chest and suppress the cough.

    I also take vitamin C and Zinc to boost the immune system.

    As far as food goes, chicken noodle soup has nothing on a good bowl of Pho when you’re under the weather. Ginger ale for whatever reason always tastes better when you are sick. Also a cup of hot tea with honey and a splash of bourbon really soothes the throat.

    Other than that just get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.

  7. Personally I jus sleep a lot, drinking water an if I can eat it’s Gunna be soup with a lot of pepper. I basically let my body burn the virus out naturally, the process sucks but it does the trick

  8. Currently have a cold. Lots of hot tea, bed rest, water. Oh and whiskey. Lots and lots of whiskey

  9. Whine and bitch about it for a little bit after I wake up then just get on with life. My circumstances don’t really allow for anything else.

  10. I swear by Vicks vapor rub on my chest and feet. Heavy socks and sleep in a gown. It always helps move whatever in my system align either cold or flu.

  11. I actually enjoy the chills you get from fevers. I find it very calming and relaxing, but I cannot stand the body aches that follow.. It really hurts my testicles as well. feels like I’m just being kicked in the nuts..
    Cold isn’t too bad , I use nasal spray to clear my nose and usually I’m OK.
    It’s the flus that kick my ass . Following the fever is the headache and bodyaches and coughing that last for days. It’s during this time I like to be left 100% alone until I’m better. I don’t like to be babied or looked after or catered too. I like to suffer in my own hell alone.

  12. I can deal with pretty much every symptom and not be overly bothered. But I can’t stand fever, it’s so painful and just mentally draining.

  13. Vitamin C, hot coffee and lugaw spiked with so much garlic and chili oil you could put my sweat in a spray bottle and use it for riot control.

  14. Stoically, knowing that while I may die at any moment, my life will carry on our legacy without me. So leave me be and let me die a horrible, painful death by myself. (Stumbles to the fainting couch in the most dramatic way possible.)

  15. Sleep it off and try not to spread it to anyone else in the house. Drink lots of water as well and layer on the comforters to sweat it out.

  16. Spending time outdoors does wonders. And light exercise. Unless I’m bedridden I try to get out for walks at least. Catch some sun, air out some germs. I keep my windows open to ventilate the apartment.

    To get better I rest, sleep, eat and drink plenty of fluids. No sugar or simple carbs, a lot of infections thrive on fast sugars. Fruits and greens are great if you can stomach them.

    And for relief I smoke weed. Helps me stay inactive and rest, takes the edge off the symptoms.

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