I don’t fucking understand what I do wrong to make people hate me so much, people literally avoid me, glare at me, dislike me etc. Even after I get to know them and think we became “friends”, even when I smile at them, nothing works, they hate my guts, they’re nice to me when they first see me or talk to me but after that they start avoiding me. I’m a fairly attractive female, extremely shy and quiet, I smile and laugh a lot, but I’m not witty and sometimes I don’t know what to respond. I need help because I can’t live like this, I’m always alone and I made more ennemies than friends, what the fuck am I doing wrong???

  1. Could you give few examples ? It would be easier to see what’s wrong and if it’s possible to help. For the moment impossible to tell.

  2. I think, without actually knowing anything about this, you’re overreacting. I sincerely doubt anyone else cares enough about you to actively hate you. Hating takes a lot of effort and I don’t think most university students have the capacity to hate another student on a grand scale such as you described.

    Humans are very sensitive to facial expressions, body language, and other non-verbal cues. You could be, without meaning to, putting off an aura/vibe they don’t like.

    Use Occam’s razor here. What is the simplest explanation? Is it possible that every person you see or interact with hates you? I suppose, but it is statistically unlikely. Is it possible that there’s some non-verbal aspect about you that’s putting people off? Certainly.

    But there’s one final thing I think is actually the most likely: you’re seeing patterns where there are none. We as humans are terrible about that, especially those of us with social anxiety or a lack of social skills. You’re in school, so focus on that instead of appealing to other people.

  3. Would need some more information or more precise description of how you carry yourself and examples of what they specifically say after what kind of interaction with you.
    For the longest time I didn’t realize I have resting bitch face, just something that this reminds me of.

  4. We are hearing this from you so you probably didn’t tell us how you don’t brush your teeth, you are smelly, arrogant, ignorant and don’t take care of yourself basicaly. (jk)

    Now tell us your flaws instead of saying why why why why. I’m sure you should be self conscious.

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