I’ve always considered myself a rather humorous guy, however, I’ll sometimes hold back from cracking wise since people rarely laugh at what I say. I used to tell myself this was due to the fact that my humor is weird and niche but I think I’ve finally found a solution:

I like deadpan humor, but I think a lot of people just don’t get it. That’s fair, I mean, if they don’t know you very well, they don’t know you’re kidding when you bullshit them with a straight face. Even people who’ve known you your whole life might not get it.

So I recently learned to be more expressive in my body language and, in a way, take up a larger presence in a room. I’ll talk louder and involve people more in my humor, either by including them into the joke or simply by nudging them or winking at them. It’s worked pretty well so far.

1 comment
  1. Me to. Deadpan, sarcastic. Ive had heard people say about be a few times that they dont think I could smile. Also say im a robot. Apparently I dont show any emotion whatsoever, maybe Im a little to numb and depressed from life already. But Im trying my best to remedy that.

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