What is a fact that can save your life?

  1. If you somehow find yourself in a situation where you have to jump out a window at (or otherwise fall from) a tall height, and you have access to alcohol… drink as much as you possibly can. Drunk people survive falls significantly more than sober people.

  2. If you ever have no water and find a still pond don’t drink it! It has to be flowing water or it could kill you…also you can figure out your direction and time by where the sun is in the sky.

  3. If you don’t are stranded somewhere and don’t have access to clean water, you can survive by drinking your pee. But you cannot drink it again after you pee the next time

  4. This may save your quality of life, and the actual life of somebody else.

    If you punch someone (especially a drunk person), you may kill them.

    It’s not the punch that kills them (you’re not a heavyweight boxer), it’s the stumbling backwards, without bracing for the fall (both far more likely when drunk), and hitting their head on the concrete pavement that kills them.

    I’m not saying don’t punch someone; if you have to in self-defence, then do what you have to do.

    Just be aware that, by doing so, you have made the decision to prioritise your life over theirs.

    (Source: am emergency physician.)

  5. Hand sanitizer can catch on fire at even -80°C it is an excellent firestarter in winter

    Edit: spelling

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