I get this a lot on walks because my dog is, in fact, very cute. But I never know how to respond. I usually say “thanks” and then cringe because thanks seems like the wrong thing to say.

I feel like saying “thanks, he’s [breed]” would be less awkward, but I don’t know what breed(s) he is, so that won’t work.

Edit: thanks, everyone. I’m happy to know “thanks” is an appropriate thing to say. Maybe I can stop feeling weird about it.

Edit 2: why is everyone assuming I’m a guy and my dog is a girl lmao

  1. Omg, I’m laughing so hard rn because I am that person who compliments everyones dog. Thank you is the correct response. I never realized that it could be seen as cringey – but I do stand by it as the correct response.

    When we compliment your dog, we are saying, “you and your dog just brightened my mood a bit!” You can say thanks on behalf of the dog or yourself. It’s fine. Take the compliment. We want you to feel good about it because your dog made us feel good.

  2. Just say “thanks”, it suffices. She’s complimenting the dog and doesn’t really care about you, so don’t worry about that part.

  3. If the interaction seems like you can speak for a while I like to address the situation like “hey thanks! Btw I always say thanks but I feel like It’s weird because it’s a compliment for my dog and not for me hahah” if said correctly it creates great conversations 🙂

  4. If I were you, and a good looking woman said that to me I’d say: “So are you” and see what happens.

  5. My dog gets complimented a lot. When someone says “what a cute / pretty dog” I either give a simple “thank you!” Or a “oh he knows it!”

  6. I had a very cute and friendly dog many years ago and I would respond with a thank you and she adds 20 minutes onto a 10 minute walk.

  7. If you’re a handsome man, then that is women’s way of flirting with you. They’re hoping you’ll say “thank you, do you have one?” to strike up a convo. I’ve done this about 3 times in the past, only once has the guy remained clueless

  8. Hahaha this is literally me. I always feel so weird saying thanks because it’s not like I birthed her or had anything to do with how cute she is. But thanks seems to be the way.

  9. “thank you, i made it myself”

    You’re accepting the compliment as well as getting the other person in a good mental state for a conversation by saying something out of the ordinary (at the very least you’ll get them to chuckle)

  10. You could also say ‘right?’ And smile and keep it moving . But there is nothing wrong with thank you

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