If you could go back to any point in history for 24 hours but you won’t be able to remember any of it, where would you go and what would you do?

  1. If I could go back to any point in history, I would like to go back to the time of the dinosaurs. It would be really interesting to see these huge creatures up close and personal. I would also want to see how they lived and interacted with each other.

  2. I would go back to last week, because I bought some veggies for $3, but then 2 days later they went on sale for $1.50.

    It seems worth it, because then I could use that $3 to buy 2 weeks worth of veggies instead of 1 weeks worth.

  3. If you let me go back at least 36 hours instead, I definitely would. I would have said my likely final goodbyes to my now ex a little differently. Give me a week to adjust some things and maybe that’d be the hail mary I needed.

  4. I have a lot of places I’d love to go back in time with.
    But if I couldn’t remember it, my choice would 100% go back to my ex’s and I’s 5 year anniversary…. To live in that moment again.

  5. go back to my childhood and play outside with my friends for hours until the street nights come back on and id get called in

  6. Definitely the prohibition era. I’d want to have a conversation with Al Capone. Heck his soup kitchen helped 6 of my ancestors on my dad’s side!

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