Hi, I haven’t really seen anything like this on this subreddit before, but I am so in my head about conversation with people I already know, because I have known them for so long that with some of my friends/a boy I have been speaking to, that I don’t know what to say because I know everything about them.

It makes me overthink a lot because I don’t want them to think I’m not funny and boring. Especially when on FaceTime with the boy, I find myself struggling with what to talk about, after the general chat about our day, and I don’t want him to be put off of me because I’m not making him laugh or when there is an awkward silence. I’m just so down on myself and I am self sabotaging by overthinking about how bad I am at talking to people, and how I just sometimes feel like im interrogating the people I know by asking questions in order to fill the silences/gaps in conversation.

I just feel the need to be funny for people to like me and I hate the gaps in conversation because it makes me feel like there’s nothing to say because I already know the people and I just don’t want to feel boring. It’s all I find myself worrying about after I leave a conversation, I just feel like if I’m constantly talking to someone over Snapchat all day I run out of things to say, but am constantly thinking in my head that normal people would just keep chatting and would be funny, I can’t seem to get it out of my head.

I hope this isn’t to stupid of a post to put on, but any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙂

1 comment
  1. Silence isn’t always bad when u try to say something to try to make it less awkward ur making it more awkward try not to think about what to talk about next let the conversation flow u will know what to say when the time comes n with overthinking ur thinking of the future stay in the present n u will control ur past n future

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