How do you deal with your toxic boomer FIL?

  1. who is always trying to control you There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to deal with a toxic boomer FIL may vary depending on the individual situation. However, some tips for dealing with a toxic boomer FIL include setting boundaries, communicating assertively, and seeking outside support if necessary.

  2. Just nod & let him keep talking. If he’s loud enough, someone with nothing to lose & a shorter temper will do something about it eventually while you sit back relaxing

  3. Ignore him or give him an ipad, he’ll struggle so much with him you won’t hear from him

  4. Lol @ “toxic boomer FIL”

    Grow the fuck up, dude. He’s probably a “toxic boomer” to you because you’re a whiny soft dude.

    How do I know? Because you don’t know how to handle a “toxic boomer,”

    He doesn’t respect you, and why would he?

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