I know there is the Domperidone – but do you just go asking, “I want to relactate to breastfeed my husband, it’s a kink” and go on with it? I breastfed my child about 5 years ago for about 6 months and my husband enjoyed it as well, but of course the transition was so fast and hormonal that now when were trying the non-hormonal ways I don’t know what I’m looking for in my breasts if we’re actually getting anywhere with milk production…


TLDR \*\*Edited to add — I posted this in r/Sex as its a kink and I didnt put it in the breastfeeding or beyond the bump as … I didn’t feel it was appropriate

  1. I mean… I once told my doc that I needed a full STD panel. He asked why, so I told him that my wife and I (married 27 years)have threesomes, and I wanted to be responsible.

    He did an actual physical double take, stammered, then ordered the tests.

    It sounds like you already know about the non hormonal stuff. Just know you have to be very consistent with nipple stimulation to get that milk going again. This is why so many women go with breast pumps.

    Good luck!

  2. I think you will struggle to find a physician willing to prescribe a hormone with systemic effects and side effects for purely recreational purposes.

  3. It depends on where you’re located. In the US you cannot have domperidone prescribed at all. I needed it to feed my kid and they gasped in horror at the thought. There are other… channels to procure it though.

    Otherwise, I feel you’re going to struggle to find a MD to prescribe it. It has horrible side effects and the dosage needed to start lactating is associated with horrible withdrawal symptoms and supply usually disappears with it’s discontinuation unless you continually empty the breast.

    Since you’ve breast fed before your body knows how. You can start the process via stimulation. And there is a birth control protocol that works for some but I can’t remember how it happens

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