I will attempt to write this as clear as possible but if something doesn’t make sense please ask.

Wall of text incoming.

I am genuinely looking for advice and will try to convey what I’m feeling and the situation to the best of my ability.


So me M21 and my girlfriend F20 are having issues. We have been together a little over 2 years.

It is not about our sex life more like our current life situation.

We are both in university and she is living with some of her friends in a shared house with each having their own room. The friends are one other girl and 4 other guys.

I have been there when she moved in and everyone seemed especially lovely and welcoming.

Now my issue is as follows: We have been together for this time absolutely inseparable. Texted every day. Met almost every week or two at most.

But now that she lives there, she is going out partying often and doesn’t respond to my messages as quick or as long as we used to do.

She tells me that she is fine and that I have nothing to worry about. She also told me that she feels obligated to speak with me and that I should give her some space. I in response told her that I do not want to do something that will make her feel obligated or to take away her privacy.

My body (gut) is telling me that something is wrong. Now I understand that I could be wrong.

But I feel as if though, she is cheating on me. For the life of me I can’t shake this horrible feeling off me and I do not know what to do.

Do you think she is cheating on me? What do you think I should do?

I genuinely need help my body can’t take this negative energy. Please.

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