He has been acting a little nervous and shy around me lately and lately we went to a party where we were together almost all of the time. Also many friends are commenting on us saying that we are getting pretty close and also asking me if we are in a relationship but I feel like they are just teasing us for fun and he sees me as a best friend only. I like him but I am not sure what he thinks of me. Are there any signs I need to look for?

  1. you said he sees you as a best friend only. You’ve already answered your own question.

  2. For me it’s touch. When joking, push his shoulder. I find it’s very subconscious for women to do this. So you may already be doing it. How he responds to this says a lot. When I like a girl I can’t keep my hands off of her. I find myself constantly touching her arm when I’m talking to her. The other day a girl I was flirting with had goosebumps. I asked her if she was cold and ran my finger down her upper arm. It was a compulsion. I just couldn’t help myself. I won’t touch a girl though until she touches me though. I definitely don’t touch a girl I’m not interested. That’s a recipe for disaster.

  3. if your an even remotely attractive woman. Then I can almost guarantee hes holding a torch for you. I’ve been that guy. But you gotta ask your self.. you wanna possibly ruin your friendship with him? Best of luck

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