My(23F) fuckbuddy(27M) wants to get me, playing with his cum in my mouth and showing it, on camera. Can anybody tell me what kink this falls under? I know I don’t have to /get/ why he wants to do these things but I’m naturally curious so, anyone have any ideas?

  1. Are you ok with him filmning you? That’s the main concern here. Just know once it’s out there it’s not going away.

  2. It falls under “wanting to see you be his dirty little cum loving whore. On video, so he can show his friends.. and family, coworkers, strangers on the internet and perhaps his future children”

    Basically you could just call it “being a man”

  3. That desire comes from him seeing it in porn. Personally, I will let my husband cum in my mouth and I’ll swallow, but I don’t want the semen lingering in there. That’s how you gag on it. I’ve got a healthy guy, he only drinks water, works out, hydrates, etc etc. I’ve tried feeding him pineapple, bromine supplements, everything under the sun to make semen taste better — his just tastes the same: like chlorinated sea water. It’s less than pleasant but I can chase it down with cold water. It’s when he wants to see it dripping that I suggest a cream pie, because vaginas have no taste buds.

  4. Just saying, if you aren’t comfortable with footage of you doing this being on accessible porn websites, and someone else profiting from them, don’t do this. Filming requires a level of trust that is hard to attain in a fwb situation, and once footage exists it is hard to keep it under your thumb

  5. I wouldn’t let my fwb film me, if you’re okay with it then go for it but be careful who you trust

  6. Unless you want to be famous for this video, among your circle of friends and work colleagues, future work colleagues, anyone you want to date in future, your parents, and possibly pornhuh; I wouldn’t recommend doing this.

  7. In general I would stay away from him recording it if you guys are just fuck buddies, I’m sure you know that could end really bad. But I would guess because it’s a common thing in porn

  8. This is called the “I watch too much porn” kink 😆It’s a way for him to express dominance. But if you’re on board with doing it and he respects your boundaries, there’s no problem.

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