Dear men, how much do you care that a woman has a sense of style/is stylish?

  1. Very little.

    Actually nice if she does not if it means not buying more shit than she needs.

  2. I have no fashion sense or sense of style so I am literally incapable of caring.

  3. Not very important for the day to day but I would like for her to be able to dress up for special occasions.

  4. Does that sense of style include clown colored hair, nose rings & tatts? If so – a lot. Honestlly, outside of the garish & slovenly look – women look amazing in most things. It’s a function of them being women.

  5. It’s not a deal-breaker or anything if she’s not super into fashion, but still I *do* kinda like a well put together outfit.

  6. There’s this girl in my office who always dresses really nice. Very classy and stylish. She looks like she buys every outfit from Express/Banana Republic, it works so well for her. I want to compliment her on her sense of style and how great she dresses and the effort she puts into looking good but I’m afraid she’ll think it means more than just a compliment.

  7. As long as its a style I like and she’s not breaking her bank to afford it, I like it when a woman acts like a woman.

  8. None whatsoever.

    I would date a women even if she’s wearing a t-shirt/hoody. I only want cuddles, give cuddles, big spoon, little spoon etc., sense of style/fashion is utterly useless to me. Women should wear whatever they feel the most comfortable in. If she’s comfortable with herself, she would be comfortable with me.

  9. Not at all. The women I’m interested in wear more than lounge wear all the time, but they don’t need to keep up with the trends

  10. Hmm. If by stylish you mean wearing the latest trending stuff, then I couldn’t care too much about that.

    If by stylish, you mean wearing what they think looks good, even when it doesn’t, then that is not the kind of thing I would be attracted to.

    If by stylish, you mean making themselves look presentable whenever they can, and not going around town in sweatpants and a hoodie, hair unbrushed, unshowered, dirty and ragged clothes, then yes, absolutely. I try to make myself look presentable, and would expect no less from anyone I’m with.

  11. I care that she’s presentable, clean and appropriate. If those are met, then anything else is just extra.

  12. I’m well-dressed 90% of the time so I definitely care about my partner being stylish as well. For me though, it’s waaay more about her looking feminine and classy than some fancy brands or being up to date with trends.

  13. I could care less. I’m into my own style and very specific but I don’t put those expectations on others. I actually like women that don’t try so hard.

  14. I would lie if I said that a certain sense of aesthetique isn’t needed to impress me. I really love it when people are thinking about their looks and try to put something good together. It doesn’t need to be the most expensive stuff, but it needs to be a well thought outfit regarding the colours and how it fits. I think everyone can achieve that somehow.

    If I was considering just the looks only, I wouldn’t go for women that are just wearing hoodies and loose trousers everyday. And I wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t myself a person who takes his time in front of the mirror everyday. But in the end it’s much more complex and not that superficial. I have dated several women whose style I didn’t like at first and I was attracted to their personality, which completed everything, while other women with style didn’t have any charisma.

  15. As long as its not sweat pants and big t shirts everywhere its fine. I like a woman who looks like she cares about her self.

  16. It’s a pretty solid indicator of lifestyle choices. I don’t necessarily care *what* style she’s chosen to adopt, more so that she dresses / grooms *well*.

    Grungy types can be fun, but they usually have issues.

  17. Couldn’t give a fuck as long as she wears something other than sweats and a hoodie

  18. If you mean that she knows how to dress appropriately for various situations? Yes. Very important.

  19. As long as she looks good.

    The problem is that most women’s sense of “style” is actually a negative.

  20. I used to not really care about this until I dated a woman that was pretty into fashion, dressing well and looking nice, and now it’s become pretty important to me.

    I don’t really care about brand names, especially luxury brand names, but it is important that the woman I date understand how to look nice, buy clothes and fit them well, and accessories that compliment their outfit.

    After all, I put a lot of effort into my appearance both at work and during nonworking hours, so it’s nice to be with someone to whom those things matter to them as well.

    The downside however is anytime you leave the house you have to plan 60-90 minutes in advance for them to get ready, but overall worth it.

  21. As long as they wear stuff THEY like not wear stuff because it’s trendy or anything that’s all I really care about.

  22. I would care that they’re at least as stylish as me. That is to say, they wear clothes that fit and don’t have stains. I’m not particularly picky that they look like they just walked off a runway in Milan.

  23. Really don’t care about her sense of style or dresscode. A good personality makes her pretty.

  24. I prefer when women don’t dress up. Jeans tank top sneakers. Perfect. Women that dress like that also tend to be much more chill as well. When I see a women thats always trying to be stylish it gives me the idea she’s not so chill and very concerned about herself.

  25. I personally would not date someone who has very outlandish style.

    I think you can imagine the type. The one who will wear bright colors, mismatched styles, etc. Maybe they want to be not like the other girls, or maybe they just like being out of the ordinary. Either way, it’s not for me. I would much rather they dress appropriately, so that they look good. I don’t mean they look hot, or any sort of way. I just mean I don’t want to be able to immediately identify them in a crowd for the wrong reasons.

  26. As long as they make whatever they’re wearing presentable and it doesn’t look forced, I’m fine with it.

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