What is your favorite animal? If you could become an animal, what would it be(doesn’t have to be the same)?

  1. Cats. But I would rather be an eagle. That way I’ll be on top of the food chain, fly, and not worry about humans since it’s illegal to shoot them.

  2. Dogs. I would be a Bernese Mountain Dog. They are chill dogs, but also enjoy the outdoors.

  3. cat. I would always become a cat. My cat is literally the biggest reason I’m alive. I love him more than anything, I would die for him without hesitation

  4. I love dogs and fish.

    If I could be an animal it would either be a large fish like a tuna or swordfish that’s really fast with relatively few predators (if I can stay away from people). Or an eagle because flying would be amazing and eagles are pretty safe from people.

  5. Favourite animal: cat. What I’d turn into: parrot. If I turned into a cat my family would turn me away. Not the same with a bright, colourful parrot 🦜

  6. My favorite animals are penguins. Though if I were to become any animal, I think I’d want to be a housecat.

  7. Cats. I want to be a cat, specifically one of *my* cats. Those spoiled rotten beasts do nothing all day and get treated like royalty.

  8. foxes and cats. i’d happily be either, a well-kept house cat would have such an effortlessly awesome life….

    would like to be a crocodile too, just out here, demolishing everything and then napping.

  9. Elephants! They’re very smart, loyal and family oriented. They also have good memories; their temporal lobe is comparatively larger than a human’s. Something about the way their flap their ears… just gets me. I find them adorable.

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