Kind, chill, and smart: how often do you come across someone will all 3?

  1. All the time. All my friends for a start, and honestly a large proportion of people I come across.

  2. Most people I know are that way.

    unless they are online****

    People are often different online.

  3. My friends are like this. Why would I settle for less? I wouldn’t hang around someone stupid, or cruel, or uptight. I strive to be all of these things, too.

  4. I guess I’m kind, the world has thrown me around and beat me up multiple times but I am kind to everyone I see everyday. Not because I have to but because I just want to be nice.

  5. I believe most people are all three. A better question is, loud, entitled and violent.

  6. I’m extremely lucky to have a boyfriend that is all 3 of those things, plus he’s tremendously funny 😄 I met him off of Facebook dating over 2 years ago 🥰 I could not have asked for a more decent man 💗💗

  7. Of course I know him. He’s me! … at least, I think he is. I don’t know how smart I am anymore to be honest.

  8. Somehow I found that in my boyfriend/childhood best friend. But i mean, I’ve always found some kind people everywhere. Just depends on what you think a kind person is.

  9. Very often, I work in engineering. I can name multiple people off the top of my head that I see regularly

  10. Twenty-five years ago, I met someone who was all three and more, we’ve been married for 23 years and he’s still kind, chill, smart and an absolutely awesome husband and dad.

  11. A fair amount. I wouldn’t consider dating someone who wasn’t those three things.

  12. Not often. Kind and chill are easy enough to put together and kind almost always comes with chill. Smart isn’t something that is percieved externally as clearly as people think, and there are many different intelligences so some will be more readily observed and accepted than others.

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