Not the big annoyances in life the really petty stupidly inconsequential things .
For example I hate it when the kids and Mrs squeeze the toothpaste from the middle , and when the tube in sanitiser bottles is bent toward the back not the front so when your low on product and tilt forwards nowt but air is sucked up.

  1. My neighbours park in the visitor spaces not their driveway then all their visitors park outside my house, brings my piss to a simmer not quite to the boil.

  2. – the ring pull coming off my Oatly Barrista
    – my dog running in to the only puddle on the road on my morning walk
    – having a Blu-ray in my Amazon basket and it going up in price before I buy it
    – my US colleagues booking in a 17:00 meeting because they cannot for the life of them figure out time zones
    – my fiancé discovering she now likes olives, which now means:

    1. I no longer get her olives when they accidentally put them in her salad
    2. I now only get half a jar of olives when we buy some, as she scoffs the other half

  3. Thinking there’s a free parking space in the distance only to swing in and see it full of shopping trolleys. One, fine – it’s annoying but I’ll get out and move it – it’s when the herd decide that this new impromptu trolley park is superior to the actual one merely six paces away and fill it up that leaves me incandescent.

  4. Spotting a perfect parking space from a distance only to find its a white fiat 500 with two dozen air fresheners parked so far back in the bay they can’t even open the boot

  5. Standing still on stairs, in front of doors, on busy pavements. In fact, just never stand still!

  6. People in supermarkets who abandon their trolley mid aisle and wander off fetching stuff from other aisles, just take the fecking trolley.

  7. People that take one or two bites out of a chicken wing and leave half the meat still on the bone.

    Lamb chops not left with just the pristine bone.

    People that buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts because they’re too lazy/snowflakey to use a knife or touch raw meat, then complain about the cost of inflation. Buy a whole chicken, cut it yourself, get most of it for free!

  8. Someone walking slowly infront of you and they won’t speed up or move over to that you pass them

  9. When two people walk towards you on a footpath and not one of them has the decency to move over so you end up walking into the road.

  10. The incorrect use of reflexive pronouns in a mistaken attempt to sound formal. It’s widespread and it drives me nuts.

  11. The sound of people eating their food whether it’s crunching, munching or chewing. It makes my skin crawl

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