How easy or difficult is it for you to move on from / forget about someone you genuinely cared about?

  1. If you cared, you don’t forget. Learning to manage the memories is what allows you to move on productively.

  2. For me, it’s hard. I’ll get over it eventually but I probably won’t forget anytime soon.

  3. Time, and the distance it gives, are so helpful. I’m always reminded of a line from one of my favorite series. The protagonist says “You won’t forget, but the remembering won’t hurt so much.”

  4. Move on 10 months. Forget never, she was my first love and my wife. There’s always a part of my heart for her albeit not romantic

  5. It’s easy for me to move on, and depending on what someone means by forget, but not thinking about someone I cared about also comes kinda easy after a while, unless there are memories I consciously go back to then it can trigger some dominoes.

  6. Move on is one thing, forgetting is another.

    My mom died a few years ago, when I was still in middle school. Some of the few times I’ve ever cried. Had dreams where life was just the way it was before then, but any time I suddenly became aware of the fact that she should be dead, it was dismissed. Eventually, during one of them where I and mom were alone, I asked how she was still here. I’ve forgotten exactly what she said, but it was somewhere along the lines of “they know,” or something like that. She got up, turned, and phased through the wall, walking toward where the street would be. Since it was a dream, I couldn’t really move or do anything, not even scream, something that every instinct I had was yelling at me to do. Then I woke up in a cold sweat. Didn’t sleep the rest of the night.

    I’ve moved on, which didn’t take long, but I still think about her and that nightmare. Arguably the worst thing my mind has come up with.

  7. Depending on how deep and genuine the bond, sometimes never really do. You just have to do your best, one day at a time, and ever thusly you’ll be able to live your life. It’s either that or give up, and that’s not an option. Good luck.

  8. I don’t try to forget them. I just remind myself why things didn’t work out. Relationships almost always end for good reasons.

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