Do you want a partner that makes you more caring or less? Why?

  1. Neither? That’s my own personality, I don’t expect it to be affected by a partner in either direction.

  2. I would like a relationship where we both make each other better people. Not because we are actively conditioning each other or forcing the other to change behavior or whatever, but just as a natural occurrence because we bring each other the happiness and stability that affects positive change like that in us.

  3. I don’t understand the question. Why would a core attribute of my character be dependent on a partner at all? I’m still me.

  4. I can’t imagine how depressing it would be to have a partner that makes me less caring.

  5. Do you mean less caring or less distracted by other’s emotional dealings?

    I don’t think my husband makes me less caring at all but he does help me focus and encourage me to set boundaries when certain people use me as a source to vent all their frustrations and problems? I have a tendency to become the go-to listener for certain family/friends/sometimes even acquaintances.

  6. More caring please because I think empathy and compassion are important qualities I want in my partner and myself.

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