Honestly not sure why I’m posting this, mostly out of boredom at this moment and I guess to see if anyone else is in the same boat. I’m not sure if this is the best subreddit to post this to but it seems like the most fitting. Anyways;

21yo M, in my final year in college. To give a bit of background I’m in a engineering/management field, and all my classes have been online since covid except for 1 lab a week starting this semester which is in person. A bit on the topic, I’ve never had a gf before, or really any intimate moments with any girl, to be fair I’ve never really tried that hard and seemed to be and still seem to do just fine being busy with hobbies and stuff, but I guess at this age it becomes a bit uncommon? Flirting doesn’t really come easy to me, and small talk as well which leads me to my next point;

Now, I don’t have a problem talking to people in the sense of stuttering or things like that, I just generally avoid talking to people if there isn’t a reason to. I don’t really like asking for favours, tend to try to figure stuff out by myself, and only really talk to strangers if there’s a legitimate reason to do so (I know that sounds absurd, but hopefully what I mean comes across). I was already sort of like this before, but I’ve noticed with covid it’s kind of becoming worse and worse. I’ve basically not met anyone new, and my old friends are slowly and slowly “dying off”. The people I have met I usually hang out with one on one, for the most part, as I don’t want to just force myself into any group they already have going on. The only group I hang out with are my high school friends, which honestly is starting to bore me because 1. It happens in a blue moon, and 2. They almost never seem down to do anything I consider fun and “memory creating”, I think it has to do with money and being lazy + tough schedules.

I’ve been working a lot recently, I spent my whole summer doing an internship where I still work once a week alongside another job. I have my own hobbies and stuff to keep me busy so it’s not like I’m struggling to find what to do.

Not sure why I started rambling on, but I guess my point of this post is to see if anyone can relate, maybe any advice for me, or if I’m in the minority here lol

Edit: I also wanted to add, I don’t really go clubbing or bar hopping, I don’t drink or smoke (nothing to those who do, some of my friends do, it just doesn’t really appeal to me). I can probably count on one hand how many “parties” I’ve been to, lol. I know this isn’t what everything’s about, but I feel like a lot of people my age are into mostly that and that’s about it.

  1. Same here, I‘m often minding my own business and never ever consider asking others for help or advice.
    Which sucks because it seems people bond over similar struggles and such…

    Since the pandemic I’ve also become waaay more anti-social. I also stopped drinking and because of that, I never see my friends anymore (tbh they were more like drinking friends).

    I mean, all of that would be fine if being secluded is the goal, but it isn’t. At least not for me. I feel so lonely and overwhelmed by everything, I just want to speak to people and feel good and not be awkward.
    But it’s tough, especially when the stuff most people talk about doesn’t interest me one bit…

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