So one guy was a deliberate thing. That’s where the mutual conversation was intended to result in. That’s fine. Quite amazing actually. The other guy I know for a long long time – over 20 years. Suddenly he announced that he has cum just by visualisation of me and my body and the touch of my skin and that he hoped I didn’t mind. I do mind but I don’t know why?? We weren’t having a sexual kind of text conversation. I feel off and odd about it. Not violated or anything like that but I wish I knew that’s where he was going instead of being advised after the fact. Am I wrong to feel like this?? I’m forty fucking four. This guy just took me by surprise and I sort of feel like shite, weird. I don’t mind being objectified or maybe I do – I guess I’m glad to be older and not viewed objectively but rather a speciality of taste. This has thrown me.
Edit: ah lads – would ye get a fucking grip – on your dick or on reality but this is not a fucking invitation.

1 comment
  1. The only way they are going to know you’re uncomfortable is if you say something to them. You sound conflicted. Maybe you do like it, but you’re just ashamed because it’s outside the realm of comfortable for you.

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